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His mass.

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Royce Homenick

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2y ago
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3mo ago

The measure of an object's inertia is its mass. Mass is a measure of how much matter an object contains, and it determines the object's resistance to changes in its motion. More massive objects have greater inertia.

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12y ago

velocity or m/s/s

Sorry but this answer is wrong.

First of all it is ambiguous. For clarity it should be written (m/s)/s or m/s2.

But this is not inertia anyway. Nor is it velocity (m/s). It is acceleration, i.e. change in unit velocity per unit time. Inertia is the resistance to acceleration and is measured quite simply in units of mass (kg in the SI system of units).

Inertia should not be confused with either momentum (measured in units of mass x velocity, or kg.m/s) or moment of inertia (which is resistance to angular acceleration and is measured in units of kg.m2)

Also wrong. Inertia and moment of inertia are interchangable terms (both kg-m^2 or lb-in^2) and should not be confused with mass.

or u could just tell us kg/m/m which isn't ambiguous at all kg/m^2 (contrary to what you said)

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10y ago

A body's ability to withstand a change in its state of motion.
Inertia is not a measure. It is a concept. As the word itself tells you, it is 'tendency to be inert', i.e. tendency not to change.

The inertia that you most commonly encounter is to do with acceleration. This inertia is mass.

The next most commonly encountered inertia is thermal inertia.

There are many other kinds of inertia as well.


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14y ago

there is no unit for inertia; inertia is determined by and therefore reflected by the mass of an object, and is a property of this object such that it does not change with speed, temperature etc.

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13y ago

Inertia can be measured in units of mass, like kilograms.

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11y ago

Inertial mass and gravitational mass are the same quantity, so if you weigh an object, you are measuring inertia as well as weight.

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12y ago


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15y ago

kg m2

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12y ago

Its mass.

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Q: What is a measure of an object's inertia?
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What is a inertia?

There is no "A inertia." Its just inertia and inertia is the measure of an objects to stay at rest or to keep moving.

How does the mass of an objects affect inertia?

Mass is the measure of inertia and if you change the mass the inertia will change.

What is a measure of an objects resistance t movement?


What is the measure of an objects ability to remain at rest or keep moving?


What does the inertia of and object depend on?

The inertia of an object depends on its mass – the more massive an object is, the greater its inertia. Inertia is a property of matter that describes its resistance to changes in motion.

Is a measure of an objects velocity the same as the measure of the objects inertia?

No.Consider a grain of rice and a banana. If you threw these at someone so that they were moving at the same speed, their velocities would be the same.However, you would hardly feel the impact of the grain of rice but the banana would hurt.The force of the impact is a measure of the relative inertia of the two objects.Where two objects are traveling at the samevelocity, the inertia is greater in that object that has the greatest mass.

Which has the most effect on an objects interia?

The mass of an object has the most effect on its inertia. Inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its state of motion, and the greater the mass of an object, the greater its inertia.

When you measure an object's resistance to motion you must measure what?

Inertia is an objects resistance to change in motion. Frictional forces resist motion.

What do you measure to find an objects inertia?

Inertia in physics is generally defined as resistance to change in velocity and it is measured as a change in momentum. (p is momentum, so change in momentum would be Δp, measured as Δp = m*Δv)

Which physical quantity is related to intersia?

The physical quantity related to inertia is mass. Mass is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its motion, and it is directly proportional to the object's inertia. Objects with greater mass have greater inertia.

What is the significance of mass moment of inertia?

The mass moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to rotational motion. It depends on both the mass of an object and its distribution relative to the axis of rotation. Objects with higher mass moment of inertia are harder to rotate. It is commonly used in engineering and physics to analyze the motion of rotating objects.

Do objects have inertia?
