

What is the voltage of a torch?

Updated: 6/2/2024
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9y ago

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The voltage of a torch can vary depending on the specific type and model. Common torches typically operate on voltages around 1.5V to 3.7V, which are typically powered by AA, AAA, or lithium-ion batteries. It's important to check the specifications of the torch to determine its voltage requirement.

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Can you start s lightbub with a battery?

Yes, if the bulb is of the right voltage, as in a torch (flashlight).

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Four size D torch cells are needed for a 6-volt torch. Each size D torch cell typically provides 1.5 volts, so combining four of them will give a total voltage of 6 volts.

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When a torch is on, it is powered by current electricity. The batteries in the torch provide the necessary voltage to produce the electric current that flows through the circuit and powers the light bulb. Static electricity is different and typically involves the buildup of electric charge on the surface of an object.

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An LED (Light Emitting Diode) will fit into this category, or a torch (flash light) bulb.

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Mains filament

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Sodium chloride (table salt) can be used to coat a copper item and fuse the 3-volt bulb of a torch, as it helps to create a galvanic cell that generates enough voltage to light the bulb.

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No because I have a bb torch

What is another word for flashlight?

Torch (hand torch, electric torch)

What is the job of the switch in a torch?

the switch in a torch allows the circuit in the torch to be completed

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