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There is no universally accepted standard for flexibility as it varies depending on individual goals and needs. It is more important to focus on improving your own flexibility and range of motion rather than comparing yourself to an external standard. Listening to your body, setting realistic goals, and working consistently on improving flexibility are key components for progress.

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Q: What is the universally accepted standard of flexibility that you shoud compare yourself against?
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What is the universally accepted standard of flexibility that you should compare yourself against?

There is no absolute measure of flexibility.

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Really if you do the streches you do now, but push yourself a little farther each time, you will eventually get more flexible.

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Without having very flexible legs how can you improve your flexibility and do the splits fast?

Improving flexibility and getting your splits without leg flexibility is impossible, I'm afraid. Luckily for you, improving leg flexibility is relatively easy.Stretch every day and push yourself a little farther every time you do. The straddle stretch (opening your legs as far as they will go and reaching forward between them) is a very good choice for this.For attempting your splits, the first thing you need to do is make sure both of your legs are straight! Pay special attention to the back one. Then concentrate on getting yourself to the ground. If you keep at it, it will happen! I promise!

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Yes...but you could injure yourself. The Bench Press is an exercise that causes problems with shoulder flexibility.

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How old should you be before you lift weights?

Experts disagree. It is probably best to wait until you are at least 16. Before then, concentrate on all-around coordination, flexibility, and growth by participating in multiple standard sports. Once you begin, be sure to learn and use perfect exercise technique or you are very likely to injure yourself and set back your progress.

Is Rowan Attkinson funnier than Jim Carrey?

Not a difficult standard to measure yourself against, but the answer is yes.