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The unit used to measure thermal energy besides joules is the calorie. It is commonly used to quantify the energy content in food and beverages.

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Q: What is the unit used to measure thermal energy besides joules?
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Related questions

What could joules be used to measure with?

Joules can be used to measure various forms of energy, such as mechanical, electrical, thermal, or chemical energy. It is a unit of energy and work in the International System of Units (SI).

What kind of energy is measured in joules?

Joules are used to measure various forms of energy, including electrical, mechanical, thermal, and radiant energy. It is a unit of energy and work in the International System of Units (SI).

What is the unit used in measuring thermal energy?

Thermal energy is typically measured in joules (J) or calories (cal). The amount of thermal energy in an object is related to its temperature, mass, and specific heat capacity.

How does thermal energy measure?

Thermal energy is typically measured in joules (J) or calories (cal). It represents the total kinetic energy of the particles within a substance, reflecting how hot or cold an object is based on the movement and vibration of its atoms and molecules. Devices such as thermometers and calorimeters are used to measure thermal energy in various contexts.

What is thermal energy measured in?

Thermal energy is typically measured in units of joules (J) or kilojoules (kJ). It can also be measured in calories (cal) or British thermal units (BTU) depending on the context.

Can thermal energy be measured in volts per square meter?

No, thermal energy is typically measured in units of joules or calories, representing the amount of heat energy present in a system. Volts per square meter is a unit used to measure electric potential, not thermal energy.

What is kinetic's energy unit of measure?

Joules, all energy is measured in joules.

What are different types of units that are used to measure energy?

Joules electronvolt calorie kilocalorie therm erg kilowatt-hour BTU (british thermal unit) quad

What units are normally used to measure energy?

Standard: 1 JouleImperial: 1 CalorieAnswerEnergy is usually measured in terms of heat, which is measured in calories or joules or Btu - British thermal units.

How do you measre thermal enegry?

Thermal energy is typically measured in joules (J) or calories (cal). One common way to measure thermal energy is by using a calorimeter, which allows for the precise measurement of heat transfer in a system. Another method is through thermodynamic equations that relate thermal energy to temperature changes in a substance.

How do you convert joules to cm?

It isn't possible. Joules is the measure of energy and cm is a measure of distance.

The total kinetic energy of all the particles in a substance is called?

The total kinetic energy of all the particles in a substance is called thermal energy. It is a measure of the total energy associated with the random movements of particles within a system.