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When molecules collide and there is a transfer of energy as heat, this is called conduction. When fluids of different temperatures transfer energy by movement, this is called convection.

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1mo ago

The transfer of energy as heat caused by the collision of molecules is known as conduction. In this process, energy is transferred from a higher temperature region to a lower temperature region through direct contact between molecules. Conduction occurs in solids, liquids, and gases.

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Q: What is the transfer of energy as heat caused by the collision of molecules?
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What is the transfer of energy by heat caused by the collision of molecules?

When molecules collide and there is a transfer of energy as heat, this is called conduction. When fluids of different temperatures transfer energy by movement, this is called convection.

When molecules collide and transfer energy it is called what?

When molecules collide and transfer energy, it is called a collision.

Does the collision of molecules create heat?

The number of collisions with enough energy to react increases.

How is the energy transfered when the object are in contact?

energy transfer occurs due to random collision of different molecules of the objects with each other,if the objects are of equal energy,there will be no detectable heat transfer,as molecules have same energy,but in between the objects having different heats the energy transfer occurs,due to the random collision of molecules with each other.

Is heat the form of energy because of the motion of molecules?

Yes, heat is a form of energy that is caused by the motion and vibration of molecules in a substance. When molecules move, they transfer energy in the form of heat to surrounding molecules.

What is the type of heat transfer which involves the collision and molecules?

The type of heat transfer that involves the collision of molecules is conduction. In conduction, heat energy is transferred from one molecule to another through direct contact. This occurs in materials like metals or solids where the particles are closely packed.

What is the transfer of energy when molecules bump into each other through contact?

When molecules bump into each other through contact, the transfer of energy is known as heat transfer. During the collision, energy is transferred from the molecule with higher energy to the molecule with lower energy, causing an increase in the temperature of the lower energy molecule.

What are gas molecules colliding with no change in total energy?

When gas molecules collide without a change in total energy, it means that the collisions are elastic. In an elastic collision, the kinetic energy of the gas molecules before and after the collision remains constant. This type of collision conserves energy and momentum.

How do molecules transfer energy to each other in a solid or liquid?

In a solid or liquid, molecules transfer energy through collision with neighboring molecules. This collision causes vibrations and movement within the molecules, transferring kinetic energy. Additionally, in liquids, convection currents can also play a role in transferring energy between molecules.

The transfer of energy that occurs when molecules collide?

This is known as heat transfer through conduction. It involves the transfer of kinetic energy from faster-moving molecules to slower-moving ones when they collide, resulting in an overall increase in temperature.

When fast moving molecules touch other molecules what is it called?

When fast moving molecules touch other molecules, it is called a collision. These collisions can lead to the transfer of energy and changes in the motion or state of the molecules involved.

What is the transfer of heat through matter by the way of collision of molecules?

Conduction is the transfer of heat through matter by the way of collision of molecules. In solids, heat is transferred through direct contact between particles. The kinetic energy from faster-moving particles is transferred to slower-moving particles, causing temperature to equalize.