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Quantum Theory

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The theory that energy can be released only in definite packages is known as quantum theory. In quantum theory, energy exists in discrete units called quanta, which means that energy can only be emitted or absorbed in specific amounts. This concept is fundamental to understanding the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level.

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Q: What is the theory that energy can be released only in definite packages?
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Which theory of social change holds that society is moving in a definite direction?

The theory of social evolution holds that society is moving in a definite direction towards progress and development. This theory posits that societies evolve and change over time in a linear and predetermined manner.

Who did Einstein discover the theory of mass and energy?

Einstein developed the theory of mass-energy equivalence, which is famously expressed as E=mc^2. This breakthrough was part of his theory of relativity and fundamentally changed our understanding of the relationship between mass and energy.

What were the 2 sources of energy suggested by oparin theory?

The two sources of energy suggested by Oparin's theory were ultraviolet light and lightning. These energy sources were thought to have provided the necessary energy for chemical reactions to occur and form organic molecules in the early Earth's atmosphere.

Which theory allows physical scientists to quantify or measure things like energy?

The theory that allows physical scientists to quantify or measure energy is called the concept of energy conservation, which is a fundamental principle in physics. According to this theory, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. This allows scientists to develop equations and measurements to quantify the energy in a system.

What is the theory used to explain changes in state?

The theory used to explain changes in state is the Kinetic Molecular Theory. This theory states that the state of matter is determined by the movement and energy of its particles, with changes in state occurring when the particles gain or lose energy.

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Which theory of social change holds that society is moving in a definite direction?

The theory of social evolution holds that society is moving in a definite direction towards progress and development. This theory posits that societies evolve and change over time in a linear and predetermined manner.

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Who proposed light is made up of bundles of energy of a definite amount which he referred to as a quantum of energy?

Albert Einstein proposed that light is made up of discrete packets of energy, which he called "quanta." This theory helped to lay the foundation for the development of quantum mechanics.

What theory states that tiny particles such as electrons do not absorb or release energy smoothly?

The theory is known as quantum theory or quantum mechanics. According to this theory, particles such as electrons can only absorb or release energy in discrete amounts called quanta. This means that their energy levels are quantized rather than continuous, leading to the observation that energy absorption and release occur in discreet steps rather than smoothly.

Why is the total mass energy of the universe is changing?

It isn't known whether the mass-energy of the Universe is changing. Normally, mass and energy are conserved, but it isn't currently known for sure whether this also applies when the General Theory of Relativity is used - which has to be applied when analyzing the Universe as a whole. It seems that it is tricky to even define an "energy function", i.e., assign a definite energy, to a system when using the General Theory of Relativity. This probably doesn't mean that you can use this to get "free energy", only that energy isn't as clearly defined as in classical physics.

What theory states that a given compound will always contain exactly the same proportion of elements by weight?

Law of definite proportion or law of definite composition.

Is heat released from every transfer?

Energy always turns from useful energy to less useful forms of energy. so in theory the answer is no, but in reality there is always some heat generated in all transformations.

Where are massive amounts of energy in an atom contained?

The majority of an atom's mass and energy is located in its nucleus, which contains protons and neutrons. The energy stored within the nucleus is released through nuclear reactions such as fission or fusion.

When was Conspiracy Theory released?

Conspiracy Theory was released on 08/08/1997.

The hypothesis that explains the release of energy during an earthquake is called the?

The hypothesis that explains the release of energy during an earthquake is called the elastic rebound theory. This theory states that rocks on either side of a fault are deformed by tectonic stresses until they reach a breaking point. Once this breaking point is exceeded, energy is released in the form of seismic waves, causing an earthquake.

The theory of relativity allows us to calculate the amount of energy E that would be released if a mass of m were converted to energy The famous equation expressing this is what?

E = M times c squared

Science is good but it is the truth?

In my opinion, science is the truth although there are no definite answer to theories in science. Though, to have a theory out of science, one must have sufficient evidence to support the theory.