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The electric field strength exactly midway between two equal charges is zero. This occurs because the electric fields produced by the two charges cancel each other out at that point due to their opposite directions.

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Q: What is the strength of the electric field exactly midway between the two charges?
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Are all objects made up of tiny bits of material that have electric charges yes or no?

Yes. All objects are made up of tiny particles called atoms, which are composed of even smaller particles with electric charges such as protons, neutrons, and electrons.

How can electromagnetic waves be produced?

Electromagnetic waves are produced by accelerating electric charges. This acceleration can occur in various ways, such as in antennas where changing electric currents create oscillating charges, or in light bulbs where moving electrons through a filament generate photons.

What will be the electric field intensity at the center of a hollow charged sphere?

The electric field intensity at the center of a hollow charged sphere is zero. This is because the electric field created by the positive charges on one side of the sphere cancels out the electric field created by the negative charges on the other side, resulting in a net electric field of zero at the center.

Electric field lines show the strength and what of an electric field?

Electric field lines show the direction of the electric field and the strength of the electric field at different points in space. The density of field lines (how close they are to each other) represents the strength of the electric field, with closer lines indicating a stronger field.

When two objects have different charges they?

I can't be sure of exactly what you mean when you say "different". -- The two objects attract each other if their charges have opposite signs. -- They repel each other if their charges both have the same sign. These statements are both true whether or not the charges on the two objects have the same or different magnitudes.

Related questions

How does the electric charge on the proton compare with the electric charge on the electron?

They are equal in magnitude but opposite in charge.

How does distance effect the electric force between two objects?

Electric force can act at a distance, but is stronger when objects are closer. the electric force is larger the closer the two objects are The electric force varies with the distance between the charges. The closer they are, the stronger the force. The farther apart they are, the weaker the force.

How are magnets and statics electricity similar?

Both magnets and static electricity repel like charges and attract to opposite charges. Magnets repel the same poles and attract opposite poles. Static electricity repels like charges and attracts unlike charges.

Will the force between charges change as the the distance between them changes?

Yes, the force between charges is directly proportional to the inverse square of the distance between them. As the distance between charges increases, the force between them decreases.

A microwave is halfway between the stove and sink and an electric can opener is halfway between the fridge and sink?

So.... what exactly is the QUESTION !

Are all objects made up of tiny bits of material that have electric charges yes or no?

Yes. All objects are made up of tiny particles called atoms, which are composed of even smaller particles with electric charges such as protons, neutrons, and electrons.

What are cars with hybird and electric motors?

An electric motor is exactly that, using electricity to power itself. A hybrid motor is a mix between the conventional internal combustion engine and an electric motor, running on the electric when possible and switching to conventional when not.

Why do atoms have no electric charge even though most of the particles inside the atoms have charges?

Because the positive charge of the protons in the nucleus is exactly canceled by the negative charge of the electrons in the orbitals around it.

How can electromagnetic waves be produced?

Electromagnetic waves are produced by accelerating electric charges. This acceleration can occur in various ways, such as in antennas where changing electric currents create oscillating charges, or in light bulbs where moving electrons through a filament generate photons.

What will be the electric field intensity at the center of a hollow charged sphere?

The electric field intensity at the center of a hollow charged sphere is zero. This is because the electric field created by the positive charges on one side of the sphere cancels out the electric field created by the negative charges on the other side, resulting in a net electric field of zero at the center.

Are traffic misdemeanors different from criminal misdemeanors?

Exactly how charges are defined varies with the state where the charge is brought. In some states, there is no distinction between criminal and traffic misdemeanors, and in others there is.

Does an electric motor have different resistance than an electric heater?

Yes it would be unlikely an electric motor coincidentally exactly matched the resistance of an electric heater.