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The speed of an electromagnetic wave can be calculated using the formula: speed = frequency x wavelength. Plugging in the values provided (7.75 x 10^16 Hz and 3.87 nm), the speed of the wave would be approximately 3.00 x 10^8 m/s, which is the speed of light in a vacuum.

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Q: What is the speed of an electromagnetic wave with a frequency of 7.75 x 1016 Hz and a wavelength of 3.87 nm?
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The speed of any wave is the product of the frequency and the wavelength. Be sure to convert the nm to meters first (dividing by 1,000,000,000). - By the way, in a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed, known as the speed of light - about 300 million meters/second. However, in other substances - such as air, or water - electromagnetic waves are slower.

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The speed is equal to the product of the frequency and the wavelength. First convert the wavelength to meters, so as to have compatible units.The speed of an electromagnetic wave in a vacuum is ALWAYS the same - around 300 million meters/second. If you get any result, something is wrong - unless the wave travels through some other medium, in which case its speed can be less than the speed of light in a vacuum.

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Frequencies and wavelengths (APEX)

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