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Nuclear binding energy, the excess energy holding the protons and neutrons making up the nucleus together. Atoms lighter than iron and nickel and atoms heavier than lead have this excess energy that can potentially be released. Hydrogen (the lightest element) is readily fused to make helium in hydrogen bombs and the elements uranium and plutonium are readily fissioned in atomic bombs.

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1mo ago

The source of energy in nuclear weapons is nuclear fission or fusion. Nuclear fission involves splitting atoms, releasing a large amount of energy, while nuclear fusion involves combining atoms to release even more energy. This energy release is what creates the explosive power of nuclear weapons.

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8y ago

Excess nuclear binding energy. Nuclear binding energy is the energy that holds the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus, it is produced by the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force.

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What energy is potential energy stored the nucleus of an atom?

The potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom is called nuclear energy. This energy is released through processes such as nuclear fission or fusion. It is the source of energy in nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons.

Relating to atomic energy?

Atomic energy is the energy released from splitting (nuclear fission) or combining (nuclear fusion) atoms. It is used in nuclear power plants to generate electricity and in nuclear weapons for explosive purposes. The use of atomic energy has both benefits, such as providing a relatively clean energy source, and concerns, such as nuclear accidents and nuclear proliferation.

What is nuclear energy considered?

Nuclear energy is considered a form of non-renewable energy that involves the split of uranium atoms in a process called nuclear fission to generate electricity. It is a low-carbon energy source, but it raises concerns about nuclear accidents, radioactive waste disposal, and potential proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Do nuclear weapons explode?

Yes, nuclear weapons release energy through a nuclear fission or fusion reaction, causing a powerful explosion. This release of energy is what causes the destructive force associated with nuclear weapons.

How will nuclear energy affect the future?

Nuclear energy can provide a stable and reliable source of electricity with low greenhouse gas emissions, which can help in the transition to a cleaner energy future. However, concerns about safety, nuclear waste, and proliferation of nuclear weapons need to be addressed for nuclear energy to play a significant role in the future energy mix. Technologies like small modular reactors are being developed to address some of these challenges.

Related questions

What are nuclear weapon?

Nuclear weapons are weapons which are fueled by nuclear energy. Examples of weapons that can be fueled by nuclear energy are missile warheads and bombs.

What is one advantage of uranium?

The most important advantage of uranium is the release of fission energy. This phenomenon is the source of energy in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons.

What energy is potential energy stored the nucleus of an atom?

The potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom is called nuclear energy. This energy is released through processes such as nuclear fission or fusion. It is the source of energy in nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons.

How do you use plutonium?

For nuclear weapons. Very toxic. Applications of plutonium: • explosive in nuclear weapons • nuclear fuel in nuclear power reactors • the isotope 238Pu is used as energy source in spacecrafts or other applications (radioisotope thermoelectric generators); the chemical form is plutonium dioxide. • neutron generator, as Pu-Be source

Relating to atomic energy?

Atomic energy is the energy released from splitting (nuclear fission) or combining (nuclear fusion) atoms. It is used in nuclear power plants to generate electricity and in nuclear weapons for explosive purposes. The use of atomic energy has both benefits, such as providing a relatively clean energy source, and concerns, such as nuclear accidents and nuclear proliferation.

Uranium was use in the development of the?

Nuclear energy Nuclear weapons

Who did uranium energy impact the world when it was discovery?

Appearance of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons.

What source of energy produces radioactive waste?

Nuclear Energy

What is the definition of the DOE Nuclear Weapons Complex?

All the facilities used by the US to prepare the materials for nuclear weapons, build nuclear weapons, design and test new nuclear weapons. This is all lead by the Department Of Energy.

What is nuclear energy considered?

Nuclear energy is considered a form of non-renewable energy that involves the split of uranium atoms in a process called nuclear fission to generate electricity. It is a low-carbon energy source, but it raises concerns about nuclear accidents, radioactive waste disposal, and potential proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Is americium used in nuclear weapons?

Yes, americium can be used in some types of nuclear weapons as a neutron source for initiating the chain reaction needed for a nuclear explosion. However, its use in modern nuclear weapons is limited.

Do nuclear weapons explode?

Yes, nuclear weapons release energy through a nuclear fission or fusion reaction, causing a powerful explosion. This release of energy is what causes the destructive force associated with nuclear weapons.