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An object that weighs less than an equal volume of water will float in water because it would have to push that much water out of the way in order to sink.

(Edited Answer) Actually it depends on Density of the object, If the Density of the object is less then the liquid then it will float, but if the density of the object is more then the liquid then it will sink. For Example: Woods Density is less then water so it floats, but say a metal weight was put in water it will sink because its density is more then the water. Get it? Hope this Helps!

(Additional Edited Answer) Since density is equal to weight divided by volume, then guess what, floating DOES have something to do with weight, and since in my original answer I specified both weight and volume, I was therefore talking about density. So why didn't I use the term density, you ask? Well, the question specifically asked for the simplest way to explain the phenomenon of floating, and the concept of weight is simpler than that of density, so I phrased it in that way. An object whose weight is less than an equal volume of water is therefore less dense than water. Pay attention.

(Added Edited Answer)

Yes...I understand you, its just that most students take your answer and have a misconception that if the object weighs more then the liquid then it would sink and if it weighed less it would float. Nothing against you answer its just that I thought it would just confuse people!

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3mo ago

Objects float when they displace a volume of water that is equal to or greater than their own weight. This is known as buoyancy. Objects sink when their density is greater than the density of the fluid they are placed in, causing them to be pulled down by gravity.

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You can't make things float, things float by it's self's it's density is lower than 1 it can float, if it's density is greater than 1 it can't float.

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no because some things are denser then others and might sink for ex:Rock,shoe,cookin pan and ecc.

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@it's called buoyancy because some things are heavier than others .......................... that is a good theory but no, buoyancy does cause it but buoyancy also needs air pressure took keep afloat .

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