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not easily compressible

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The particles of both liquids and solids are closely packed together and have strong intermolecular forces holding them in place. Additionally, both particles have definite volumes, meaning they do not conform to the shape of their container.

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Q: What is the similarity between the particles of liquids and solids?
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Does conduction only occur between solids?

No, conduction can occur in solids, liquids, and gases. In solids, conduction happens through direct contact between particles. In liquids and gases, it occurs through the transfer of heat energy by the movement of particles.

What is the difference between solids liquids and gases in terms of kinetic energy?

Solids have the lowest kinetic energy as their particles are tightly packed and have limited motion. Liquids have higher kinetic energy than solids as their particles can move past each other. Gases have the highest kinetic energy as their particles are far apart and move freely.

Why are solids better heat conductors than liquids?

Solids are better heat conductors than liquids because in solids, particles are closely packed together and can transfer heat more easily through vibrations. In liquids, particles are more spread out and move more freely, making it harder for heat to transfer effectively. Additionally, solids generally have higher thermal conductivity compared to liquids.

Why do gases expand faster than liquids and solids?

Gases expand faster than liquids and solids because gas particles are further apart and have more freedom of movement compared to the particles in liquids and solids. This allows gas particles to quickly fill any available volume, leading to faster expansion when exposed to heat or pressure changes. Liquids and solids have particles that are more closely packed together, restricting their ability to expand as quickly.

Why do solids hold their shape but liquids of and gases of the same element do not?

Solids have particles that are closely packed and have strong forces of attraction between them, resulting in a fixed shape. In contrast, liquids and gases have particles that are further apart with weaker forces of attraction, allowing them to flow and take the shape of their container.

Related questions

Is the attraction in particles stronger in liquids then solids?

In general, the attraction between particles in liquids is weaker than in solids. In liquids, particles have more freedom to move around, which is why liquids can flow and take the shape of their container. In solids, particles are held more tightly together, which is why solids have a definite shape and volume.

Do solids liquids and gases have different masses?

Yes, solids, liquids, and gases have different masses because their particles are packed differently. In general, solids have the most mass because their particles are closely packed, while gases have the least mass because their particles are spread out. Liquids have a mass between that of solids and gases.

What do solids and liquids have that gases dont?

big spaces between the particles???

What solids made of?

Particles. Just like liquids and gases. The difference between them is that solids have tighter packed particles that are less able to move freely

Why do solids heat up faster than liquids?

Solids are more compact than liquids. The particles of a solid are closer together. Since heat is the kinetic force between particles, the closer those particles are the easier it is to excite them.

How the motion of particles differ in gases liquids and solids.?

The motion of particles in gasses, liquids, and solids are all different. Gas particles can move much more quickly than solids.

Does conduction only occur between solids?

No, conduction can occur in solids, liquids, and gases. In solids, conduction happens through direct contact between particles. In liquids and gases, it occurs through the transfer of heat energy by the movement of particles.

Why diffusion of liquids is faster than solids?

In the liquid state, particles move freely,the particles are not closely packed they can slip and slide on each other and have greater space between them as, compared to solids.ORThe intermolecular space is more in liquids than in solids and so, it can difusse faster.That is why rate of difussion in liquids is higher than that of solids.

How does the kinetic energy of solids liquids and gases compare?

Gases have the highest kinetic energy, followed by liquids, and then solids. -apex

What do solids liquids and gases depend on?

Solids, liquids, and gases depend on the intermolecular forces between their particles. In solids, particles are closely packed with strong intermolecular forces, leading to a fixed shape and volume. Liquids have weaker forces, allowing particles to flow and take the shape of their container. Gases have very weak forces, leading to particles that move freely and expand to fill their container.

What do solids do when they soak liquids up?

When solids soak liquids up, the molecules of the liquid become entrapped in between the particles of the solid . A good example is how bread gets wet.

How are solids liquids and gases particles different?

Solids have particles closely packed together in a fixed arrangement, liquids have particles loosely packed but can move around each other, and gases have particles that are far apart and move freely.