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Physical science helps us understand the natural world around us, from the mechanics of how things work to the properties of matter and energy. This knowledge is applied in various everyday situations, such as cooking, driving, and using technology. It also plays a crucial role in developing new technologies and improving our quality of life.

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Q: What is the significance of physical science in our daily lifes?
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How do you use mechanical energy in your everyday life?

Mechanical energy is used in everyday life in various ways, such as when driving a car (converting chemical energy into mechanical energy), riding a bicycle (converting human energy into mechanical energy), or using tools like a wrench or hammer to perform tasks. It is also present in appliances like washing machines and refrigerators that rely on mechanical components for their operation.

What type of energy is release when one element decay into another elements?

Nuclear energy is released when one element decays into another element, as a result of the changes in the nucleus of the atom, such as radioactive decay. This process can release energy in the form of particles or electromagnetic radiation.

The half-life of Mo-99 is 67 hours A 200 ug quantity decays over time to 25 ug How much time has elapsed?

Using the formula for exponential decay, we can find that the ratio of the final quantity to the initial quantity is (1/8). Since 3 half-lives have passed (3 * 67 = 201 hours), the time elapsed is 201 hours.

How can nuclear energy improve our lives?

the nuclear power generates electricity that can help us in our daily lifes, and in this date without electricity life would be almost impossible, because electricity plays an important role in our life.

How how is physics related to everyday life situation?

Physics is present in everyday life situations such as driving a car (laws of motion), using a cell phone (electromagnetism), cooking food (thermodynamics), and playing sports (kinematics). Understanding principles of physics helps us design and use technology, improve safety measures, and explain natural phenomena in the world around us.

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mathimatics is important in our daily lifes because it is important.

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I don't know much about your daily life. But if you evercount anything, then you use integers to do it.

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mathimatics is important in our daily lifes because it is important.

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The significance of Drama, in everyday life; is too build confidence in helping us deal with lifes. & it can also help with law. ( Speaking infrfront of alot )

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The circle of a pine cone or a spiral shell.

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Just to fresh the mood and to relief from the stress. To get away from lifes daily troubles for a day.

What do Chinese people do in their daily lifes?

Like most people, they study, work, eat, play and sleep.