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this process is called evaporation

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The scientific term for the process of water turning to steam is "vaporization" or "evaporation." This phase change occurs when water molecules gain enough energy to break free from the liquid state and become a gas.

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Q: What is the scientific term for the process of water turning to steam?
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What is used to turn water into steam in a nuclear power plant?

In a nuclear power plant, water is turned into steam through a process called nuclear fission. The heat generated by the nuclear reaction heats water within the reactor, turning it into steam. This steam is then used to drive turbines connected to generators, producing electricity.

Do you call the process of heating water into steam then cooling it to puirfy it?

The process of heating water into steam and then cooling it to purify it is called distillation. During distillation, water is heated until it turns into steam, leaving impurities behind. The steam is then cooled and condensed back into purified water.

How is steam produced?

Steam is produced by boiling water to its vapor phase. This is typically done in a boiler by applying heat to the water, resulting in the water reaching its boiling point and turning into steam. The generated steam can then be used in various applications such as power generation, heating, or industrial processes.

Which word describes the process of water turning into water vapour?

The word that describes the process of water turning into water vapor is "evaporation." This process occurs when water molecules gain enough energy to escape into the air in the form of vapor.

Is condensation of water vapor the same as solidification?

No, condensation is the process of water vapor turning into liquid water. Solidification is the process of a liquid turning into a solid. Both are phase changes but involve different states of matter.

Related questions

Scientific name for steam to water?

Actually steam is water. Just tiny tiny droplets of water. But the answer I think you're looking for is condensation which is the process of water vapor (not steam) which is a gas cools down and condenses into water.

Is steam turning into water chemical or physical?

Steam turning into water is a physical change called condensation. The change occurs when the water vapor loses heat energy and transforms into liquid water. No new substances are formed during this process.

What is the name for the process in which steam to water?

The Process from......Steam to Water is condensationWater to Steam is evaporationWater to Ice is FreezingIce to Water is MeltingHope that helps..... :)

What is the scientific name for turning water to vapor?

The scientific name for turning water into vapor is "water vaporization" or "water evaporation." This process involves the conversion of liquid water into water vapor through the addition of energy, typically in the form of heat.

What do you call a liquid when it's turning in to a gas?

There is no name for it, the substance is either a liquid or a gas ( like water or steam), there is no inbetween, the process of turning a liquid into a gas is called evaporation and the process of turning a gas into a liquid is called condesation.

What is steam turning into water?

a substance that is in its gaseous state, like water that has been turned into steam.

What are the steps of turning steam to gas?

Steam is a gas. It is water vapor - so water in the gaseous state.

What is used to turn water into steam in a nuclear power plant?

In a nuclear power plant, water is turned into steam through a process called nuclear fission. The heat generated by the nuclear reaction heats water within the reactor, turning it into steam. This steam is then used to drive turbines connected to generators, producing electricity.

If water is boiled will it turn into water vapor or steam?

When you boil water, a lot of air-bubbles appears on the surface. it is the water turning into steam.

What are examples of evaperation?

Examples of evaporation include a wet towel drying in the sun, a puddle of water disappearing on a hot day, and the process of water turning into steam when heated in a kettle.

What is steam to ice called?

The process of steam turning into ice is called deposition. It occurs when water vapor cools down and changes directly into solid ice without passing through the liquid state.

Do the bubbles in a pot of boiling water for noodles indicate chemical change?

No, the bubbles in boiling water for noodles do not indicate a chemical change. The bubbles are formed due to the physical process of water reaching its boiling point and turning into steam bubbles. This is a physical change, as only the state of the water molecules is changing, not their chemical composition.