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Volt across a resistor = resistance x current through the resistor.

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The rule for voltage across each resistor in a series circuit is that the total voltage supplied by the source is equal to the sum of the voltage drops across each resistor. In a parallel circuit, the voltage across each resistor is the same and equal to the source voltage.

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Q: What is the rule for voltage across each resistor?
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What is the rules of voltage in parallel circuits?

In parallel circuits, the voltage across each branch is the same as the total voltage of the circuit. This is because each branch is connected directly across the voltage source. This rule is known as Kirchhoff's voltage law.

What is the three laws of parallel circuit?

Voltage is the same across all components in a parallel circuit. The total current in a parallel circuit is the sum of the currents through each branch. The reciprocal of the total resistance in a parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of the individual resistances.

Current divider rule?

The current divider rule states that in a parallel circuit, the current flowing through each branch is inversely proportional to the resistance of that branch. Mathematically, it can be expressed as I₁ = I × (R₂ / (R₁ + R₂)), where I₁ is the current through one branch, I is the total current, R₁ is the resistance of the branch, and R₂ is the resistance of the other branch.

A 120 ohm resistor a 60 ohm resistor and a 40 ohm resistor are connected in parallel to a 120 volt power source What is the current running through the 120 ohm resister?

To find the current running through the 120 ohm resistor, first calculate the total resistance of the parallel circuit using the formula: 1/total resistance = 1/120 + 1/60 + 1/40. Then use Ohm's Law (I = V/R) with the total resistance to find the total current in the circuit. Finally, use the current divider rule to find the current specifically through the 120 ohm resistor.

A 120 oh resistor a 60 ohm resistor and a 40 ohm resistor are connected in parallel to a 120 volt power source. What is te current running through te 40 ohm resistor?

To find the current through the 40 ohm resistor, first calculate the total resistance of the parallel circuit: 1/Rt = 1/120 + 1/60 + 1/40. Then, calculate the total current using Ohm's Law, I = V/Rt. Finally, use the current divider rule to find the current passing through the 40 ohm resistor.

Related questions

How would you connect a resistor in order to reduce an LED's applied voltage?

You could use the voltage divider rule to reduce the voltage. Using two resistors in series, the input voltage will drop across each resistor by an amount that is proportionate to the values of the resistors. If the 1st resistor is 10K and the 2nd resistor is 100K, the voltage drop across the 10K will be 10 times LESS than that of the 100K resistor. The total voltage drop across both resistors will be equal to the supplied input voltage. Work out the ratio of voltage you need from the total input voltage and use 2 resistors will that give you the same ratio. Connect the LEDs in parallel with the resistor the gives you the voltage you want. Use a MM to measure the voltage across the resistor before wiring LEDs.

If the resistance in the circuit is increased what will happen to the current and voltage?

* resistance increases voltage. Adding more resistance to a circuit will alter the circuit pathway(s) and that change will force a change in voltage, current or both. Adding resistance will affect circuit voltage and current differently depending on whether that resistance is added in series or parallel. (In the question asked, it was not specified.) For a series circuit with one or more resistors, adding resistance in series will reduce total current and will reduce the voltage drop across each existing resistor. (Less current through a resistor means less voltage drop across it.) Total voltage in the circuit will remain the same. (The rule being that the total applied voltage is said to be dropped or felt across the circuit as a whole.) And the sum of the voltage drops in a series circuit is equal to the applied voltage, of course. If resistance is added in parallel to a circuit with one existing circuit resistor, total current in the circuit will increase, and the voltage across the added resistor will be the same as it for the one existing resistor and will be equal to the applied voltage. (The rule being that if only one resistor is in a circuit, hooking another resistor in parallel will have no effect on the voltage drop across or current flow through that single original resistor.) Hooking another resistor across one resistor in a series circuit that has two or more existing resistors will result in an increase in total current in the circuit, an increase in the voltage drop across the other resistors in the circuit, and a decrease in the voltage drop across the resistor across which the newly added resistor has been connected. The newly added resistor will, of course, have the same voltage drop as the resistor across which it is connected.

Two 20K resistors R1 and R2 are in series across a 100 volt supply what would the voltage be across R1 if measured with a digital voltmeter with an internal resistance of 1M?

The voltage across R1 would be 50 volts. This is because the voltage divider rule states that the voltage across each resistor in a series circuit is proportional to its resistance relative to the total resistance in the circuit. In this case, since both resistors are the same (20K), the voltage across each resistor will be half of the total supply voltage.

What is the rules of voltage in parallel circuits?

In parallel circuits, the voltage across each branch is the same as the total voltage of the circuit. This is because each branch is connected directly across the voltage source. This rule is known as Kirchhoff's voltage law.

How do resistors act in series?

In brief, the overall or net resistance changes and the resistors in series and/or parallel can be represented by a single equivalent resistor. If you consider series resistors the equivalent resistance of the series would be: R = R1+R2+ ... +Rx The equivalent resistance of parallel resistors would be: 1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + ... + 1/Rx One rule to always remember when dealing with series and parallel resistors is the voltage across each resistor in parallel will be the same as defined in Kirchhoff Voltage Law and the current across each resistor in series will be the same by Kirchhoff Current Law. More information can be found at this web site.

What is the three laws of parallel circuit?

Voltage is the same across all components in a parallel circuit. The total current in a parallel circuit is the sum of the currents through each branch. The reciprocal of the total resistance in a parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of the individual resistances.

Need help sizing a resistor to reduce voltage from 277V to 120v with a 200mw watt load at 120volts?

Start with the load of 0.2 watts. The power rule says that watts equals volts times amps, or amps equals watts divided by volts, so 0.2 watts at 120 volts means 0.00167 amps. Now, look at Kirchoff's current law, which implies that the current in a series circuit is the same at all points. This means that the current in the resistor is also 0.00167 amps. Now, look at Kirchoff's voltage law, which implies that the sum of the voltage drops in a series circuit adds up to the voltage source. This means that the voltage across the resistor is 157 volts. Last, look at Ohm's law, which says that resistance is voltage divided by current. 157 volts divided by 0.00167 amps is 94,200 ohms. The nearest standard 5% value to that is 91,000 Ohms. Before leaving, though, check the power in the resistor. It is 157 volts times 0.00167 amps, or 0.26 watts, so you need at least a half watt resistor.

A 100 ohm 1 watt resistor and 800 ohm 2 watt resistor are connected in seriesmaximum dc output voltage that can be applie continuously to series circuit without exceeding power limit of resistor?

If a 100 ohm 1 watt resistor and an 800 ohm 2 watt resistor are connected in series, the maximum DC voltage that can be applied without exceeding the power limit of both resistors is 45 volts. Start with power rule and ohm's law... P = IE E = IR so P = I2R solve for current I2 = P/R I = (P/R)0.5 determine current at max power for each resistor R1 = 100, R2 = 800 I1 = (1/100)0.5 = 0.1 amperes I2 = (2/800)0.5 = 0.05 amperes The limiting resistor is R2, so calculate voltage of both at current flow of I2 V1+2 = (0.05)(900) = 45 volts

Why the voltage drop across inductance and voltage drop across capacitance is greater than source voltage in series resonance circuit?

The reason for the total voltage drops across the capacitance and inductance IN AN AC CIRCUIT has to do with the different phase angles of the voltages.First, current is the same value and same phase angle everywhere in a series circuit. But, voltage across a capacitor lags current by 90 degrees (capacitor current leads voltage). Next, voltage across a pure inductance leads current by 90 degrees (inductor current lags voltage).The rule that all voltages in a series circuit have to add to the supply voltage still applies, but in this case, the voltage drops are added VECTORALLY, not arithmetically. If you were to graph this addition, you would show any resistance voltage in phase with the current, the capacitor voltage at -90 degrees to the current and the inductor voltage at +90 degrees to the current, for a phase difference between them of 180 degrees, cancelling each other out.In a series resonant circuit, the impedances of the capacitor and inductor cancel each other. The only impedance to the flow of current is any resistance in the circuit. Since real-life inductors always have some resistance, at least there is always some resistance in a series resonant circuit.

How do you use kirchhoff's voltage rule in complex circuits?

You apply the rule to each loop in the circuit individually, and each loop produces a separate equation. You solve the collection of equations for the individual loop currents.

What is the rule for finding the total resistance of a number of resistors connected in series?

If the resistors are in series, then the total resistance is simply the sum of the resistances of each resistor.

What happens to voltage in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, the voltage is divided among the components. The total voltage of the circuit is equal to the sum of the individual voltage drops across each component. Thus, the voltage decreases as it passes through each component in a series circuit.