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The reverse energy that takes place when an object strikes a solid object is called impact force. This force is the result of the collision between the two objects and is responsible for deforming or damaging them depending on their properties and the intensity of the impact.

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Q: What is the reverse energy that takes place called when an object strikes a solid object?
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The process of light energy being converted to heat energy when it strikes an object is called absorption. The object absorbs the light energy and transforms it into thermal energy, increasing its temperature.

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This process is called absorption. The object absorbs the light energy, which then gets converted into heat energy.

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When light strikes a black object, the energy is primarily absorbed and converted into heat energy. Black objects appear black because they absorb most of the light that hits them, which increases their temperature due to the absorbed energy being converted into heat.

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No, the energy that flows from a hot object to a cold object is called heat energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion of an object.

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When light strikes an object, it can be absorbed by the object, converting into other forms of energy, or it can be reflected off the object's surface, allowing us to see the object if the reflected light reaches our eyes.

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When light strikes a dark heavy object, the object absorbs more light because of its dark color and heavy mass. As a result, the object may heat up more than a lighter object, as it is transformed into thermal energy. The absorbed light energy is not reflected as much as it would be on a lighter object.

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The energy of a moving object is called kinetic energy. It depends on the mass and velocity of the object.

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Waves bouncing off an object is called reflection.

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When light strikes an opaque object, the object absorbs the light energy and does not transmit it through the material. This absorption of light causes the object to become warmer. The energy is either emitted as thermal radiation or reflected off the surface.