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As mass increases, the response to the pull of gravity also increases. Gravity is directly proportional to mass, so an increase in mass will result in a stronger gravitational force pulling objects together.

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Q: What is the response to the pull of gravity as mass increases?
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As the mass of two objects increases the pull of gravity between the objects increase or decrease?

As the mass of two objects increases, the pull of gravity between them also increases. Gravity is directly proportional to mass, so the larger the mass of the objects, the stronger the gravitational force between them.

How does the force of graviti change with mass and distance?

The force of gravity increases with mass, meaning that objects with more mass have a stronger gravitational pull. However, the force of gravity decreases with distance, following an inverse square law. This means that as you move farther away from an object, the force of gravity weakens rapidly.

The weight that registers when you step on a scale is the response of your body mass to the pull of what?

The weight registered on a scale is the response of your body mass to the pull of gravity. Gravity exerts a force on your body mass, causing it to be pulled downwards. This force is measured as weight when you step on a scale.

Does gravity increase or decrease with mass of an object?

Gravity increases with the mass of an object. The more massive an object is, the stronger its gravitational pull will be. This is why larger planets like Earth have a stronger gravitational force than smaller objects.

What is the pull of gravity on earth directly related to?

The pull of gravity on Earth is directly related to the mass of the Earth and the distance of an object from the Earth's center. The force of gravity decreases with increasing distance from the Earth's center but increases with greater mass.

How does the gravity of planet mercury vary with its mass?

The gravity of a planet like Mercury is directly proportional to its mass. This means that as the mass of Mercury increases, so does its gravity. Gravity is the force of attraction between two masses, and the larger the mass of an object, the stronger its gravitational pull.

What is a plant's response to gravity called?

A plant's response to gravity is called gravitropism. This is when a plant grows in response to the pull of gravity, adjusting its growth direction accordingly.

The pull of gravity on an object's mass is called its what?

The pull of gravity on an object's mass is called its weight. Weight is the force of gravity acting on an object due to its mass.

Does gravity affect your weight and mass?

Yes, gravity affects weight but not mass. Weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object, so it will vary based on the gravitational pull of the planet. Mass, on the other hand, is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and remains constant regardless of gravitational force.

What increases as a rock falls to the ground?

As a rock falls to the ground, its velocity increases due to the acceleration of gravity pulling it downward. Additionally, its kinetic energy increases as its speed and mass contribute to its energy of motion.

Is there gravity in space and why?

Yes. Gravity is a force of attraction that exists between all objects with mass. It increases with the mass of the object in question and decreases with distance from it. Planets, stars, moons, and galaxies all exert a gravitational pull.

What are the varibles of gravity?

The variables that affect gravity include mass and distance. The larger the mass of an object, the stronger its gravitational pull. Additionally, the distance between two objects also affects the strength of gravity, with gravity decreasing as distance increases.