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The principle of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a system remains constant if no external forces act on it. In our daily activities, this principle is evident in scenarios such as walking, where the momentum of our body is conserved as we move forward. It also applies to activities like throwing a ball or riding a bicycle, where momentum is transferred between objects but the total momentum of the system remains constant.

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Q: What is the principle of conservation of momentum when applied in our daily activities?
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When a ball is thrown up the magnitude of its momentum decreases and then increases.Does this violate the conservation of momentum principle?

No, this does not violate the conservation of momentum principle. As the ball is thrown up, its vertical velocity decreases, causing a decrease in momentum in that direction. However, the overall momentum of the ball (including horizontal and vertical components) remains constant in the absence of external forces. When the ball reaches its highest point and falls back down, its vertical velocity increases again, conserving the total momentum of the system.

Can a momentum be transferred from one object to another?

Yes, momentum can be transferred from one object to another when they interact through a force, such as during a collision or when a force is applied. According to the principle of conservation of momentum, the total momentum of a system remains constant if no external forces are acting on it.

Which of the conservation law does not apply to an inelastic collision?

The conservation of kinetic energy does not apply to an inelastic collision because some of the kinetic energy is transformed into other forms, such as heat or sound, during the collision. The total momentum is still conserved in an inelastic collision.

Where do you apply conservation of momentum?

Conservation of momentum is applied in physics to situations involving collisions, explosions, or any interaction between two or more objects where no external forces are acting on the system. It states that the total momentum of a closed system before and after the interaction remains constant, provided there are no external forces. This principle is used to analyze and predict the motion of objects before and after a collision or interaction.

Explain in terms of momentum conservation When a gun is fired the shooter describes the sensation of the gun kicking.?

When a gun is fired, the bullet propels forward with a certain momentum due to the force applied by the expanding gases in the gun barrel. According to the principle of momentum conservation, the gun must also experience an equal but opposite momentum in the backward direction. This backward momentum causes the sensation of "kick" felt by the shooter as the gun recoils.

Related questions

Is there conservation of momentum in hydraulic press?

Yes, in a hydraulic press, the conservation of momentum is applied as the force applied to the small piston is transmitted through the incompressible fluid to the larger piston. This allows for a smaller force to exert a larger force over a shorter distance, demonstrating the principle of conservation of momentum in the system.

When a ball is thrown up the magnitude of its momentum decreases and then increases.Does this violate the conservation of momentum principle?

No, this does not violate the conservation of momentum principle. As the ball is thrown up, its vertical velocity decreases, causing a decrease in momentum in that direction. However, the overall momentum of the ball (including horizontal and vertical components) remains constant in the absence of external forces. When the ball reaches its highest point and falls back down, its vertical velocity increases again, conserving the total momentum of the system.

Can a momentum be transferred from one object to another?

Yes, momentum can be transferred from one object to another when they interact through a force, such as during a collision or when a force is applied. According to the principle of conservation of momentum, the total momentum of a system remains constant if no external forces are acting on it.

Which of the conservation law does not apply to an inelastic collision?

The conservation of kinetic energy does not apply to an inelastic collision because some of the kinetic energy is transformed into other forms, such as heat or sound, during the collision. The total momentum is still conserved in an inelastic collision.

Where do you apply conservation of momentum?

Conservation of momentum is applied in physics to situations involving collisions, explosions, or any interaction between two or more objects where no external forces are acting on the system. It states that the total momentum of a closed system before and after the interaction remains constant, provided there are no external forces. This principle is used to analyze and predict the motion of objects before and after a collision or interaction.

Explain in terms of momentum conservation When a gun is fired the shooter describes the sensation of the gun kicking.?

When a gun is fired, the bullet propels forward with a certain momentum due to the force applied by the expanding gases in the gun barrel. According to the principle of momentum conservation, the gun must also experience an equal but opposite momentum in the backward direction. This backward momentum causes the sensation of "kick" felt by the shooter as the gun recoils.

What physics principle explains why a water sprinkler spins?

The principle of conservation of angular momentum explains why a water sprinkler spins. As the water exits the sprinkler nozzle in one direction, an equal and opposite reaction force is applied in the opposite direction, causing the sprinkler to rotate. This rotation continues due to the conservation of angular momentum in the system.

The total momentum of any group of objects remains the same unless an outside?

The total momentum of any group of objects remains the same unless an outside force is applied. This is known as the principle of conservation of momentum in physics. This principle is commonly observed in situations where no external forces are acting on a system.

1 In a collision that is inelastic the total what after the collision is not the same as before the collision?

Hi, in line with Newton's laws of motion the momentum before and after a collision is always conserved (when no external force is applied to change the systems momentum). In elastic collisions we can apply the conservation of momentum and conservation of energy principles. In inelastic collisions we can only apply the conservation of momentum principle. Energy is not conserved in inelastic collisions because energy is lost through small deformations, noise, friction, etc. We can compute the coefficient of restitution that helps determine this degree of energy loss from impulse-momentum equations.

What is the most general expression of the law of conservation of momentum?

The most general expression of the law of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant before and after any interaction or collision among its internal components, as long as no external forces are applied. This means that the total momentum is conserved and does not change over time.

What is the Condition for the Conservation of Linear Momentum of a system?

A closed system

What is Impulse momentum?

Impulse momentum theory: when force is applied to a rigid body it changes the momentum of the body. it is calculated with respect to time and also the velocity is calculated.