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The net result is to convert hydrogen to helium, with the energy released going into the particles and gamma-rays produced at each step of the sequence.

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1mo ago

The overall result of the proton-proton chain is the fusion of four protons to form a helium nucleus (two protons and two neutrons) along with releasing energy in the form of gamma rays and neutrinos. This process is the main energy source for stars like our Sun.

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What part of the bike reduces friction?

The chain and gears of a bike are responsible for reducing friction as they transfer power from the pedals to the wheels with minimal energy loss. Additionally, using lubricants on the chain and gears can further reduce friction and improve overall efficiency.

What is a magnetic chain reaction?

A magnetic chain reaction occurs when the magnetic field generated by one object induces a magnetic field in another object, which in turn amplifies the original field. This process continues on in a chain reaction, with each object reinforcing the magnetic field of the others, creating a strong overall magnetic effect.

Can a real pendant chain weight 40 gram?

Yes, a real pendant chain can weigh 40 grams depending on its length, thickness, and material. Heavier materials like gold or silver will typically result in a chain weighing more than 40 grams compared to lighter materials like stainless steel.

What happens if a nuclear chain reaction is not controlled?

If a nuclear chain reaction is not controlled, it can lead to a runaway reaction with an increase in heat and radiation release beyond safe levels. This can result in a nuclear meltdown, leading to damage to the reactor core and potential release of harmful radioactive materials into the environment.

The result of balanced forces?

When two forces are balanced, their magnitudes and directions are equal and opposite. As a result, there is no overall change in the object's motion - it remains at rest or continues moving at a constant velocity.

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What effect does branching of an alkane chain has on its boiling point?

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Is the weakest link the srongest part of a chain?

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