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In Diagram A, the balloon and cloth are neutral overall. The balloon is positively charged (+Q) and the cloth is negatively charged (-Q), but the magnitudes of their charges cancel out, resulting in a net charge of zero.

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Q: What is the overall electric charge if any on the balloon and on the cloth in Diagram A?
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What is the overall electric charge on the ballon and on the cloth in the diagrtam?

The overall electric charge of the balloon is positive due to acquiring electrons when rubbed with the cloth. The overall electric charge of the cloth is negative because it loses electrons during the rubbing process.

What is the net charge of a balloon when it is rubbed on your hair?

When a balloon is rubbed on your hair, electrons are transferred from your hair to the balloon, giving the balloon a negative charge and your hair a positive charge. This results in an overall negative net charge on the balloon.

Will an electric charge spread over and entire balloon?

Yes, an electric charge can spread over the entire surface of a balloon. When a balloon is charged, the charge will distribute itself evenly across the surface due to electrostatic forces.

What type of charge do you get by rubbing a balloon in your hair?

Rubbing a balloon in your hair can create a static electric charge on the balloon. This charge is usually negative because electrons from your hair are transferred to the balloon, leaving your hair positively charged.

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In chemistry, particles with an overall electric charge are called ions.

If you rub a balloon on your head the balloon will then adhere to the ceiling. Why?

When you rub the balloon on your head, it creates a static electric charge on the surface of the balloon. This charge attracts the opposite charge (negative) on the ceiling, causing the balloon to stick to the ceiling temporarily due to the electrostatic forces between them.

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When a balloon is rubbed on a jersey, it gains an electric charge. This charge creates an attraction between the balloon and the ceiling, which is typically neutral in charge. The balloon sticks to the ceiling because of the electrical forces holding it there.

What is the overall electric charge in the nucleus?

The overall electric charge in the nucleus is positive due to the presence of protons, which carry a positive charge. This positive charge is balanced by the negatively charged electrons outside the nucleus in an atom.

Why does a balloon that has has static electric charge stick to the wall?

A balloon that has a static electric charge can stick to a wall because opposite charges attract each other. The balloon carries a negative charge, while the wall carries a positive charge (due to electrons being transferred from the wall to the balloon). This attraction between the opposite charges causes the balloon to stick to the wall.

What is overall electric charge?

Overall electric charge is a property of matter that can be positive, negative, or neutral. It results from the presence and balance of protons (positive charge), electrons (negative charge), and neutrons (no charge) within an atom or object. The overall charge of a system is determined by the net number of protons and electrons.

Why a balloon that has a static electric charge will stick to a wall?

When a balloon carries a static electric charge, it can induce an opposite charge on the wall it approaches. These opposite charges attract each other, causing the balloon to stick to the wall due to electrostatic forces.

What is an atom with an overall electric charge called?

An Ion