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Control group or mean- it is the point to which variances will be compared

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The variable that a scientist controls in an experiment is called the independent variable. It is manipulated or changed by the researcher to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

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Q: What is the name of the variable that the scientist controls in an experiment?
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What is the name of the factor that scientist change when designing an experiment?

The Answer is Independent Variable.

What is another name for the dependent variable in an experiment?

Responding variable

What is the name of the variable that is kept constant in an experiment?

The variable that is kept constant in an experiment is called the control variable. It is important to keep this variable consistent so that any changes in the outcome of the experiment can be attributed to the variable being tested.

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What is the name for something that changes during an experiment?

All factors in an expermient are called variables. The variable you can change yourself is called the independent variable; the one you expect to change and monitor accordingly (and where you get your results from) is called the dependent variable.

What is the name of the factor that scientists change when designing an experiment?

The name of the factor that scientists change in an experiment is called the independent variable. It is the variable that is deliberately manipulated or adjusted to observe its effect on the dependent variable, which is the outcome being measured.

What is the scientific name of the main item to conduct the experiment?

The main item of an experiment is called a variable!!

What is the general name for the factor that is tested in an experiment?

dependent variable

What is the name of a variable in an experiment that does not change?

A constant variable in an experiment is a factor that remains the same throughout the study to isolate the effects of other variables being tested.

What is the name of the variable that remains the same throughout the experiment?

The variable that remains the same throughout the experiment is called the "constant" or "control variable." It is used for comparison purposes to isolate the effects of the other variables being tested.

What is the name given to something being investigated in an experiment?

The object being investigated in an experiment is typically called the "independent variable." It is the variable that is manipulated by the researcher to observe its effects on the "dependent variable," which is the outcome or response being measured.

What is the name of the variable that is measured in response to the variable changed on?

The variable that is measured in response to the variable that is changed is called the dependent variable. It is typically the outcome or result that is affected by the changes made to the independent variable in an experiment.