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The force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth is called gravity. It is responsible for keeping all objects on the surface of the Earth and plays a crucial role in determining their weight.

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Q: What is the name of the force that pulls objects up and down towards the centre of earth?
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What is the name of a force that pulls object towards the centre of the earth?

The force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth is called gravity.

What is the name of the force that pulls object down towards the centre of the Earth?

The force that pulls objects down towards the center of the Earth is called gravity.

How does gravity affect the mass of dropping stuff?

Gravity pulls objects downward with a force proportional to their mass. When dropping objects of different masses from the same height, they will fall at the same rate due to gravity. However, objects with greater mass will experience a stronger gravitational force.

What is the name of the force pulling us to the centre of the Earth?

The force pulling us to the center of the Earth is called gravity. It is a fundamental force of nature that attracts objects with mass towards each other.


The force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass

What is the force that pulls objects to earth?

The force that pulls objects towards the Earth is called gravity. It is an invisible force that acts between all objects with mass, pulling them towards each other.

Why do objects fall towards the earth?

Objects fall towards the Earth due to the force of gravity. Gravity is the natural force of attraction between objects with mass, pulling them towards each other. The Earth's gravity is what causes objects to accelerate towards it when dropped.

What is A force the pulls all objects to the earth?

Gravity is the force that pulls all objects towards the Earth. It is responsible for keeping us grounded and is what makes objects fall towards the Earth when dropped.

Why is gravity the center of the earth?

Gravity is strongest at the center of the Earth because the mass of the entire planet is concentrated in that location. This concentration of mass creates a gravitational force that pulls objects towards the center. This is why objects, including ourselves, feel a force pulling us towards the Earth's core.

In which direction does gravitional force apply?

The concept of direction in relation to gravity is complex. Gravity is a property of matter and can be visulised as a force pulling towards the centre of mass of that matter. Thus YOU as a body of matter have a mass and a gravitational force of your own. However, on the Earth, your mass is much smaller than Earth's so you feel Earth's gravity pulling you towards its centre. On the Moon you woud feel yourself being pulled towards the centre of mass of the Moon. Thus as you can see what happens applies depends on where you are - but - it is always towards the centre of mass.

What is reason for things falling down?

Objects fall down due to the force of gravity. Gravity is a fundamental force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth. When an object is unsupported, gravity causes it to accelerate downwards until it reaches the ground.

What is the effect of gravity on object?

Gravity is a force that pulls objects towards each other. On Earth, gravity causes objects to fall to the ground when dropped and gives weight to objects. The strength of gravity depends on the mass of the two objects and the distance between them.