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The moment of inertia of a hollow disk is given by (1/2) * m * (r_outer^2 + r_inner^2), where m is the mass of the disk, r_outer is the outer radius, and r_inner is the inner radius. This formula accounts for the distribution of mass around the central axis of the disk.

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Q: What is the moment of inertia of a hollow disk?
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Mass moment of inertia of a disk?

The mass moment of inertia of a disk is given by the equation I = (m * r^2) / 2, where m is the mass of the disk and r is the radius. This equation represents the resistance of the disk to rotational motion around its center.

Moment of inertia of hollow cylinder?

The moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder is given by the formula I = 1/2 * m * (r_outer^2 + r_inner^2), where m is the mass of the cylinder, r_outer is the outer radius, and r_inner is the inner radius of the cylinder. This formula represents the distribution of mass around the axis of rotation.

By what factor will the moment of inertia increase in the compact disck that is the same thickness as a current disk but twice the diameter?

The moment of inertia of the compact disk will increase by a factor of 4 (2 raised to the power of 2) when its diameter is doubled while maintaining the same thickness. This is because moment of inertia is proportional to the square of the radius.

What is the moment of inertia of a circular disk rotating about an axis if the mass is m and radius is r?

The answer will depend on whether the axis isthrough the centre of the disk and perpendicular to its plane,a diameter of the disk, orsome other axis.Unless that information is provided, the answer is meaningless.

What are the types of moment of force?

The types of moment of force are torque (or moment of force), bending moment, and twisting moment. Torque is the measure of the force causing an object to rotate around an axis, bending moment is the measure of the force causing an object to bend, and twisting moment is the measure of the force causing an object to twist.

Related questions

Mass moment of inertia of a disk?

The mass moment of inertia of a disk is given by the equation I = (m * r^2) / 2, where m is the mass of the disk and r is the radius. This equation represents the resistance of the disk to rotational motion around its center.

Moment of inertia of hollow cylinder?

The moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder is given by the formula I = 1/2 * m * (r_outer^2 + r_inner^2), where m is the mass of the cylinder, r_outer is the outer radius, and r_inner is the inner radius of the cylinder. This formula represents the distribution of mass around the axis of rotation.

By what factor will the moment of inertia increase in the compact disck that is the same thickness as a current disk but twice the diameter?

The moment of inertia of the compact disk will increase by a factor of 4 (2 raised to the power of 2) when its diameter is doubled while maintaining the same thickness. This is because moment of inertia is proportional to the square of the radius.

What is the moment of inertia of a circular disk rotating about an axis if the mass is m and radius is r?

The answer will depend on whether the axis isthrough the centre of the disk and perpendicular to its plane,a diameter of the disk, orsome other axis.Unless that information is provided, the answer is meaningless.

Suppose you make a new kind of compact disk that is the same thickness as a current disk but twice diameter By what factor will the moment of inertia increase?


What are the types of moment of force?

The types of moment of force are torque (or moment of force), bending moment, and twisting moment. Torque is the measure of the force causing an object to rotate around an axis, bending moment is the measure of the force causing an object to bend, and twisting moment is the measure of the force causing an object to twist.

How would a spinning disk and kinetic energy change if its moment of inertia were five times larger but its angular speed were five times smaller?

If the moment of inertia is five times larger while the angular speed is five times smaller, then the kinetic energy of the spinning disk would decrease. This is because kinetic energy is directly proportional to both the moment of inertia and the square of the angular speed. The decrease in angular speed would have a greater impact on reducing the kinetic energy compared to the increase in moment of inertia.

Moment of intertia of elliptical disk?

The moment of inertia of an elliptical disk is given by the formula: I = m(a^2 + b^2)/4, where m is the mass of the disk, a is the semi-major axis, and b is the semi-minor axis. This formula assumes that the disk is rotating around its axis perpendicular to its plane.

What is the domensions for moment of inertia?

Dimensional formula of moment of inertia = [ML2T0 ]

Which will have the greater rolling down an incline- a hoop or a solid disk?

A solid disk will roll faster down an incline compared to a hoop because more mass is concentrated at the center of the disk, which increases its rotational inertia and supports the rolling motion. The distribution of mass in a hoop is more spread out, leading to lower rotational inertia and a slower rolling speed.

What is meant by moment of inertia in Induction motors?

The second moment of a force is called as moment of inertia.

Why is it necessary to mention the axis of rectangular bar while calculating the moment of inertia?

Mentioning the axis of a rectangular bar is necessary when calculating the moment of inertia because the moment of inertia depends on the axis chosen. The distance of the axis from the centroid affects the distribution of mass around that axis, which in turn affects the resistance to rotation. Different axes of rotation will yield different moment of inertia values for the same object.