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The minimal height for a legal serve in tennis is that the ball must be tossed up at least 16 inches (40 cm) before being struck by the server's racket.

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Q: What is the minimal height that the ball must be thrown up in the air for a legal serve?
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What is the top spin serve?

A topspin serve in tennis is a serve where the player imparts forward spin on the ball, causing it to rotate forward as it travels over the net. This causes the ball to drop quickly and bounce higher when it lands, making it harder for the opponent to return. It is an effective serve for generating power and control.

What class of lever is used during a volleyball serve?

A volleyball serve typically involves a third-class lever, where the effort is applied between the load (the ball) and the fulcrum (the server's arm joint). This lever allows the server to generate speed and power for the serve.

What does top spin serve means?

A topspin serve in tennis is a type of serve where the player imparts topspin on the ball by brushing upward on the back of the ball at impact. This causes the ball to drop and bounce higher upon landing, making it more challenging for the opponent to return with pace and accuracy. Players use topspin serves to control the placement of the ball and generate more bounce.

What is example of Energy conservation?

Turning off lights when not in use, using public transportation or carpooling, and unplugging electronic devices when not in use are all examples of energy conservation. These actions help reduce energy usage and lessen the overall demand for energy production.

What three kinds of errors can result in losing a serve?

Three types of errors that can result in losing a serve in volleyball are serving the ball into the net, serving the ball out of bounds, and committing a foot fault by stepping on or over the service line while serving.

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What is the legal age to serve alcohol in a baseball stadium?

It depends on your state law. As a general rule, if you're not legal to drink it, you're not legal to serve it.

How high is a serve in volleyball?

The height of the serve depends on how high you throw it and how you hit it.

In table tennis how high can the ball be thrown from a serve?

The Official rules say... The server shall project the ball near vertically upwards, without imparting spin, so that it rises at least 16cm after leaving the palm of the free hand and then falls without touching anything before being struck.

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Is it legal to help serve over the net?


In tennis is it legal to serve in the allies?

no. if you do it's a fault.

Is it legal to help a serve over the net?

No, it's not.

Is it legal to serve a volleyball with your head in the game?


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What purpose does branch serve?

ensure laws are constitutionally legal

Legal age to serve alcohol in Alberta Canada?

18 is the leagal age to serve alcohol in Alberta, Canada.