Thomething about 1200 and 1500 degree, its a very conced degree here in Celcius. If you see a fire from gas with it´s blue flame, it has exactly the temperature from about, if you see a yellow flame it is also exactly one spezial degree. That is that astonishing it never various . . . and does not come over 2000
A Bunsen burner can reach a maximum temperature of around 1500°C to 1700°C depending on the type and setup of the burner.
The maximum cold temperature that things can reach is absolute zero, which is 0 Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, particles stop moving, and all thermal energy is removed from the system.
Wood needs to reach its ignition temperature to catch fire. When heated only slightly, the temperature may not be high enough to cause ignition. Additionally, a lack of sufficient oxygen or fuel can also prevent wood from catching fire when heated a little.
The temperature at which air reaches saturation is called the dew point. At the dew point, the air is holding the maximum amount of water vapor that it can at that specific temperature before it begins to condense into liquid water.
The maximum temperature of a laser depends on the type and design of the laser. Some lasers can reach temperatures in excess of 1000 degrees Celsius during operation. Cooling systems are often used to prevent overheating and ensure optimal performance.
A Bunsen burner can reach a maximum temperature of around 1500°C to 1700°C depending on the type and setup of the burner.
Boiling is the temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas. It is not necessarily the maximum temperature a substance can reach, as some substances can be heated to higher temperatures without boiling.
The temperature of a typical fire can vary widely, but it can reach temperatures of around 600 to 1200 degrees Celsius (1112 to 2192 degrees Fahrenheit).
The maximum cold temperature that things can reach is absolute zero, which is 0 Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, particles stop moving, and all thermal energy is removed from the system.
Wood needs to reach its ignition temperature to catch fire. When heated only slightly, the temperature may not be high enough to cause ignition. Additionally, a lack of sufficient oxygen or fuel can also prevent wood from catching fire when heated a little.
Temperatures in the combustion chamber can reach 4,500*F or 2,500*C.
No. They will reach the same temperature.
Pure water reaches its maximum density at a temperature of approximately 4 degrees Celsius. This is why water typically contracts as it cools below this temperature, but expands as it freezes into ice.
Purple fire can reach temperatures ranging from 1,300°C to 1,700°C, depending on the specific elements present in the fire causing it to emit a purple color.
This is known as the solubility of the solute in the solvent. When you reach the maximum it is know as the saturation concentration. Adding any more solute will not dissolve in the solvent.
The maximum temperature on Mars can reach around 70 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius) near the equator during the day, while the minimum temperature can plummet to about -195 degrees Fahrenheit (-125 degrees Celsius) at the poles during the night.
In Breath of Fire 1, the maximum amount of gold you can carry is 65,535. Once you reach this limit, you won't be able to collect any more gold until you spend some.