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The process of making a material into a magnet is called magnetization. This involves aligning the magnetic domains within the material, which creates a net magnetic field. This can be achieved through methods such as rubbing a material with a magnet or applying an external magnetic field.

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Q: What is the magnetic process by which a material is made into a magnet?
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Can a permanent magnet and a temporary magnet be made from the same magnetic material?

no they can not.

Does a magnet attract a key?

It depends on the material the key is made of. If the key is made of a ferromagnetic material, such as iron, then yes, a magnet will attract it. If the key is made of a non-magnetic material, such as aluminum or brass, then the magnet will not attract it.

What is a magnet and which a magnetic material?

Magnetic materials are all made of iron. They carry electromagnetic waves.

What does a magnet attract mean?

When we say a magnet attracts something, it means that the magnetic field of the magnet pulls objects made of magnetic material (such as iron or steel) towards it. This attraction is a result of the alignment of magnetic domains in the material being attracted.

Why did magnet was made?

magnet where not made they were discovered,900 years ago lodstone was discovered it contain special properties to attract other material such as magnetic material

How is a permanent magnet made?

The material from which the magnet is to be made is heated so that it is above what is called the curie temperature. The material is then allowed to cool in a magnetic field. The magnetic field can be made by coiling wire and passing an electric current through it.

What is A magnetic substance can also be made into a?

A magnetic substance can also be made into a magnet by aligning its magnetic domains in the same direction. This alignment creates a magnetic field around the substance, allowing it to attract or repel other magnetic materials. The strength of the magnet depends on the material and the alignment of its domains.

Is it true that a magnet is an object that can exert force on another material?

Yes, a magnet is an object that has a magnetic field and can exert force on certain materials with magnetic properties. This force is what attracts or repels other magnetic objects towards or away from the magnet.

What items of aluminum does a magnet pull?

A magnet will not pull items made of aluminum because aluminum is not a magnetic material.

Is there any way to set up a magnetic field other then by causing the charges to move?

Yes, you can create a magnetic field by using a permanent magnet, such as a bar magnet or a magnet made from a ferromagnetic material. The alignment of the magnetic domains within the material produces a magnetic field without the need for charges to move.

Is a needle attracted to a magnet?

Yes, a needle is attracted to a magnet because it is made of a ferromagnetic material, which interacts with the magnetic field of the magnet. This attraction causes the needle to align with the magnetic field lines of the magnet.

Is there a relationship between the size and strength of a magnet?

Generally, the size of a magnet does not directly correlate with its strength. The strength of a magnet is determined by its magnetic material, magnetization, and design. A smaller magnet made of a strong magnetic material can be stronger compared to a larger magnet made of a weaker material.