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The least count of an ammeter is the smallest value of current that can be measured by the instrument. It is typically determined by the scale divisions marked on the device and is an important factor in accurately reading and interpreting the measured current values.

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Q: What is the least count of an ammeter?
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What is the least count of ammeter?

The least count of an ammeter refers to the smallest change in current that can be measured by the device. It is typically determined by the scale divisions on the display of the ammeter. For example, if an ammeter has a least count of 0.1 A, it means that it can detect changes in current as small as 0.1 ampere.

How do you find least count of voltmeter and ammeter?

To find the least count of a voltmeter or ammeter, you need to divide the smallest division on the scale by the number of divisions per scale unit. For example, if the smallest division on the scale of a voltmeter is 0.1 V and there are 10 divisions per scale unit, then the least count would be 0.01 V.

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least count means L.C.

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What is the least count of the micrometer?

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The least count of the micrometer screw can be calculated using the formula given below: Least count = 0.01 mm

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digital micrometer least count calculation

What is formula to calculate least count of micrometer?

The formula to calculate the least count of a micrometer is: Least count = Pitch of screw gauge / Number of divisions on circular scale

What is least count and maximum count of 6 electric appliences?

The least count and maximum count of 6 electric appliances is 0.01MM and 25.00 MM respectively.

What is least count of levelling staff?

for a levelling staff the least count is 0.01in and in m 0.005m

How you calcuate micrometer least count?

least count of a micrometer= pitch/no of division on the circular scale