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200 joules at 20m/s

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1mo ago

The kinetic energy of a moving object is given by the formula 1/2 * mass * speed^2. Plugging in the values for the mass (1 kg) and speed (20 m/s), the kinetic energy would be 200 J.

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Q: What is the kinetic energy of a 1 kg mass that is moving with a speed of 20 ms?
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What is energy found in objects that are moving?

Kinetic energy is the energy found in objects that are moving. It is dependent on the mass and speed of the object, where higher mass and speed result in greater kinetic energy.

What energy has a moving car got?

A moving car has kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. This energy is determined by the car's mass and speed.

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Yes, two moving cars of different mass can have the same kinetic energy if they are moving at the same speed. Kinetic energy depends on both mass and velocity, so as long as the cars are moving with the same speed, their kinetic energies will be equal regardless of their masses.

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The kinetic energy depends on the object's mass, and on its speed.

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Yes, when a person is moving, they possess kinetic energy because they have both mass and velocity. This energy is dependent on the person's mass as well as the speed at which they are moving.

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Moving matter possesses kinetic energy, which is the energy associated with its motion. The kinetic energy of an object depends on its mass and velocity, with higher mass or faster speed resulting in greater kinetic energy.

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The velocity (speed) of the object and its mass determine how much kinetic energy it has. Kinetic energy is directly proportional to both mass and velocity, meaning that an increase in either factor will result in an increase in kinetic energy.

What are factors that affect an object's kinetic energy?

The factors affecting kinetic energy are mass and velocity.

What does the amount of kenetic energy that a moving object has depend on?

The kinetic energy of a moving object depends on its mass and its velocity. The formula for kinetic energy is 0.5 x mass x velocity^2. This means that both increasing the mass or the velocity of the object will increase its kinetic energy.

What form of energy do all moving objects have?

All moving objects have kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. It depends on the object's mass and speed.

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Moving atoms have kinetic energy. This energy arises from their motion and is determined by their speed and mass.

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A moving molecule possesses kinetic energy, which is energy associated with its motion. The kinetic energy of a molecule is a result of its mass and speed.