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For 1 degree Celsius rise in temperature in air the speed of sound goes up by

0.60 m = 60 cm.

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1mo ago

The increase in the velocity of sound in air for a 1-degree Celsius rise in temperature is approximately 0.6 m/s. This increase occurs because the speed of sound in air is directly proportional to the square root of the temperature.

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Q: What is the increase in the velocity of sound in the air for 1 degree Celsius rise in temperature?
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Which is greater an increasein temperature of one degree celsius or one degree Fahrenheit?

An increase in temperature of one degree Celsius is greater than an increase in temperature of one degree Fahrenheit. This is because the Celsius scale has a larger degree increment than the Fahrenheit scale.

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Which is smaller increase in temperature a 5 Fahrenheit increase or a 5 Celsius increase?

A 5 Celsius increase is smaller than a 5 Fahrenheit increase. This is because each Celsius degree is larger than each Fahrenheit degree.

Which is smaller increase in temperature a 5 degrees celsius or a 5 degrees Fahrenheit?

A 5 degree Celsius increase in temperature is equivalent to a 9 degree Fahrenheit increase. Therefore, a 5 degree Celsius increase is smaller than a 5 degree Fahrenheit increase in terms of absolute temperature change.

200 degree Celsius is hot as 100 degree Celsius?

Yes, 200 degrees Celsius is hotter than 100 degrees Celsius. The temperature scale is linear, so an increase in temperature indicates an increase in heat energy.

How are degree Celsius temperature related?

A degree Celsius is a measure of temperature.

Which is greater an increase in temperature of 1 celsius degree or an increase of 1 Fahrenheit degree?

Both scales use "degrees" but they are not the same size.Celsius degrees are larger intervals, so a change in "Celsius degrees" is larger than an identical numerical change in "Fahrenheit degrees."A change of 1 Celsius "degree" is the same change as 1.8 Fahrenheit "degrees", as is seen in the difference between the freezing and boiling point of water. 100 Celsius degrees (0° to 100°C) is the same temperature change as 180 Fahrenheit degrees (32° to 212°F).

Can ordinary water be boiled in 95 degree Celsius or 105 degree Celsius?

pure water (with no impurities added ) can only boil at 100 degrees Celsius , no other temperature . But if we add impurities to it than the temperature at which the water will boil can increase or decrease. Another point is that when we increase or decrease the atmospheric pressure, the temperature at which ordinary water boils (i.e.100 degrees Celsius) can also increase or decrease.

How are celsius and kelvin alike?

A 1 degree increase in either is the same increase in the amount of thermodynamic temperature. In layman's terms, a 1 degree increase in either feels the same.

At what temperature will Celsius and kelvin thermometers display the same reading?

0 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 273 degrees Kelvin. an increase of 1 degree Celsius is equal to an increase of 1 degree Kelvin. Therefore they will never display the same reading.

Temperature vs elevation?

As the altitude or elevation increases the temperature decreases. The temperature drops about 6.5 degree Celsius for every I km increase.