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Physics plays a crucial role in technological development by providing the fundamental principles and understanding of how things work. It enables the invention and improvement of devices, machinery, and technologies that drive economic growth and innovation in a nation. From electricity and magnetism to optics and mechanics, physics underpins many technological advancements that shape our modern world.

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Q: What is the importance or role of physics to the technological development in nation?
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What are factors that determine the development of nation?

Factors that determine the development of a nation include its political stability, level of economic growth, access to education and healthcare, infrastructure development, natural resources, technological innovation, and social equality. These factors can influence a nation's overall prosperity, standard of living, and quality of life for its citizens.

How did carter demonstrate the importance of the energy question?

he created a cabinet department to deal with the problem ((apex)) ^.^ t(*.*t) (///_^)

Which nation has threatened world security in recent years because of its interest in nuclear power?

North Korea has posed a threat to world security due to its nuclear ambitions. The country's development and testing of nuclear weapons have sparked international concern and led to sanctions and diplomatic tensions.

How do you get a atomic bomb?

Obtaining an atomic bomb is illegal and highly dangerous. It involves sophisticated technology, highly enriched uranium or plutonium, and expertise in nuclear weapons development, all of which are heavily regulated by international agreements to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. It is important to comply with international treaties and laws to maintain global security.

How big would the nuclear bomb be to wipe out a nation?

The size of the nuclear bomb required to wipe out a nation would depend on the size of the nation and the level of destruction desired. A single high-yield nuclear weapon could devastate a small country, but larger nations would likely require multiple nuclear strikes to achieve total destruction. The use of such weapons would have catastrophic humanitarian and environmental consequences.

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What is the role of physics in the development of nation?

The rOle of physics is very vast and there are many things that physics helps ...

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What are factors that determine the development of nation?

Factors that determine the development of a nation include its political stability, level of economic growth, access to education and healthcare, infrastructure development, natural resources, technological innovation, and social equality. These factors can influence a nation's overall prosperity, standard of living, and quality of life for its citizens.

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Psychology is important to national development because it is the study of people and how they act. If people are mentally healthy, it benefits the development of a nation.

Why is England such a developed country?

Technological development. We were a nation of explorers, we invented a whole host of new products - including rubber tyres, rail travel, the friction match and the internet !

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Water resources are essential for agriculture, industry, and human consumption, making them vital for a nation's development. Adequate water supply ensures food security, promotes economic growth through industrial activities, and improves public health. Managing water resources sustainably is crucial for ensuring long-term development and prosperity of a nation.

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sImpact of sales force in economic development of a nation

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Education play a integral for the growth and development of any country. If the individuals of a country are well educated, then they will play an active role in the development of the country. Without education no country can develop with rapid pace. Education = Back bone of any country!

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To know were we stand as a nation

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