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The longest distance ever was 18 feet by Horst Schultz

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Sperm can travel up to 6 inches to reach the fallopian tube where fertilization occurs.

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Q: What is the furthest distance that sperm can travel?
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What type of heat transfer travels the furthest distance?

Radiation is the type of heat transfer that can travel the furthest distance because it does not require a medium to carry the heat. Radiation can travel through the vacuum of space, which makes it capable of traveling long distances.

What does sound travel furthest?

Low-frequency sounds can travel the furthest distances because they have longer wavelengths that allow them to propagate farther with less attenuation. High-frequency sounds, on the other hand, have shorter wavelengths and are absorbed more quickly by the surrounding medium, limiting how far they can travel.

What is the furthest distance that a sound has been known to travel?

Sound waves produced by the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in 1883 traveled over 3,000 miles, reaching Australia and the island of Rodrigues. This event holds the record for the farthest distance that sound has been known to travel through the atmosphere.

What material does sound travel furthest through?

Sound travels furthest through solids because the particles in a solid are packed closely together, allowing for easier transfer of sound waves. Air is the least efficient medium for sound to travel through.

What nuclear radiation can travel the furthest through matter?

Gamma radiation can travel the furthest through matter because it has no mass or charge and is highly penetrating. Gamma rays are able to pass through the densest materials, such as lead or concrete, making them the most difficult type of radiation to shield against.

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What planet had the Greatest distance to travel around the sun?

Within our Solar System, Neptune, the furthest planet from the Sun has the greatest distance to travel.

What type of heat transfer travels the furthest distance?

Radiation is the type of heat transfer that can travel the furthest distance because it does not require a medium to carry the heat. Radiation can travel through the vacuum of space, which makes it capable of traveling long distances.

What type of sediment can travel the furthest?

Very fine silt will travel the furthest.

What is the furthest distance a man has traveled in space?

The furthest distance a man has traveled in space is to the Moon, which is approximately 384,000 kilometers from Earth. The Apollo missions of NASA in the late 1960s and early 1970s allowed astronauts to travel to and land on the Moon.

Which Australian Capital City is furthest distance away from Hobart?

Which Australian Capital city is furthest distance away from Hobart?

Which man made probe has traveled the 2nd furthest distance?

Voyager 1 is the furthest and Voyager 2 is the second furthest

Why is St Osyth the driest place in britain?

Because rain comes from the west usually, so to get to East Anglia and Essex it has the furthest distance to travel.

What direction do sperm travel?

the sperm travel though the

What is the furthest star at a distance of 520 light years?

Any star at a distance of 520 light-years will be at the same distance as any other star at that distance. There is no known "furthest star"; the furthest known galaxies are at a distance of over 40 billion light-years. Galaxies are made up of stars.

Why do sperm retain 100 mitochondria?

because mitochondria are power house, and after ejaculation, sperm has to travel a large distance to meet ovum, which require large ammount of energy.

What is the furthest distance a dog has ever traveled?

what is the furthest distance a dog has ever traveld

Who was the first astronaut to travel to distance stars?

As of yet, the furthest any human has gone into space, is to the Moon. There were 24 men over 9 missions that have voyaged to the Moon.