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The Mercury expands with temperature. Since expansion is linear over the normal range of a Mercury-driven thermometer, the level of mercury within a little glass tube indicates the current temperature of the thermometer's immediate environment.

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Skylar Hagenes

Lvl 13
1y ago
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1mo ago

The function of the mercury in a thermometer is to expand and contract when it is exposed to different temperatures. This expansion and contraction is used to measure the temperature accurately and display it on the scale of the thermometer. Mercury is used because it has a high coefficient of expansion and is easily visible against the background of the thermometer tube.

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The function of a Mercury thermometer?

A Mercury thermometer measures temperature by relying on the expansion and contraction of the liquid mercury inside the glass tube. As the temperature changes, the mercury expands or contracts, causing it to rise or fall in the tube, indicating the temperature.

What color is the Mercury in a Mercury thermometer?

Mercury in a Mercury thermometer is typically silver in color.

Can the mercury in a thermometer hurt you?

Yes, if a mercury thermometer breaks, the mercury can vaporize and be inhaled, which can be harmful to your health. It is important to handle and dispose of a broken mercury thermometer properly to avoid exposure to mercury.

What is Mercury thermometer use to measure?

A mercury thermometer is used to measure temperature.

Mention any two points of difference between a clinical thermometer and an ordinary mercury thermometer?

A clinical thermometer will offer more precise calibrated readings than a mercury thermometer. The range of measurable temperature differs between a clinical and a mercury thermometer with the mercury thermometer having the wider range.

What is the function of the bore in a thermometer?

The bore in a thermometer is the narrow tube where the liquid (mercury or alcohol) expands and contracts with temperature changes. This expansion and contraction of the liquid in the bore allows the thermometer to measure and display the temperature accurately.

What causes mercury in a thermometer to rise?

The mercury in a thermometer rises because of thermal expansion. When the temperature surrounding the thermometer increases, the molecules of the mercury expand, causing it to move up the narrow tube of the thermometer.

Function of thermometer?

The function of a thermometer is to measure temperature.

What is the most dangerous thermometer if it breaks?

A mercury thermometer is the most dangerous if it breaks because mercury is a toxic substance that can harm human health and the environment. If a mercury thermometer breaks, it is important to follow proper cleanup procedures to avoid exposure to the mercury.

What is the function of mercury in thermometer?

Mercury is used in a thermometer because it expands and contracts uniformly with temperature changes. This allows the thermometer to accurately measure and display the temperature of a substance or environment. Mercury has a high coefficient of thermal expansion, making it a suitable choice for this purpose.

Why does Mercury in the the thermometer rise?

Mercury rises in a thermometer when the temperature increases because mercury expands as it heats up. This expansion of the mercury column inside the thermometer is used to measure the temperature of the surrounding environment.

How is mercury in a thermometer poisonous?

Mercury in a thermometer is poisonous if it is inhaled or ingested. When a thermometer breaks, mercury vapor can be released into the air, which can be harmful if breathed in. Additionally, if mercury is ingested, it can be absorbed into the bloodstream and cause poisoning.