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The frequency of the wave is 103 Hz. This is calculated by dividing the number of times the wave passes the point (412) by the time it takes (4.0 seconds).

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Q: What is the frequency of a wave that passes a given point 412 times in 4.0 seconds?
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The frequency of the wave is 19 Hz, which is calculated by dividing the number of times the wave passes the point by the time it takes: 57 passes / 3.0 seconds = 19 Hz.

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the number of waves that passes a given point in one second is called frequency pitch is related to loudness or amplitude of sound

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The wave frequency would be 1 Hz. This is because 5 crests passing a point in 5 seconds indicates that one crest passes the point every second. Since frequency is measured in cycles per second (Hz), the frequency of the wave would be 1 Hz.

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The frequency of a wave is the number of waves that pass a point in a given amount of time, usually expressed in hertz (Hz).

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If one wave completes, or passes a point, every 8 seconds, then the frequency is 1/8 Hz. = 0.125. The dimensions have nothing to do with the frequency.

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The term for the amount of time it takes for one wave to pass by a given point is the "period." It is measured in seconds and is the reciprocal of the frequency of the wave.

What term refers to the number of waves passing a specific point in a given amount of time?

The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a fixed amount of time is known as the "frequency".=====is called the Frequency of the waves (located on page 10 of the Penn Foster - Sound Study Guide)=====The number of waves that pass a given point per second is measured in units of Hertz (Hz). Hertz is a unit for cycles per second.The number of cycles that a wave completes in 'S' seconds is 'S' times its 'frequency'.

When 20 waves pass a point in 10 seconds the frequency is?

The frequency is 2 Hz. This is because frequency is calculated by dividing the number of waves that pass a point by the time it takes for them to pass. In this case, 20 waves pass a point in 10 seconds, so the frequency is 20 waves / 10 seconds = 2 Hz.

What is the number of waves that passes a point in one second?

That is called the frequency.

What is number of cycles of a particle riding the waves passes through in a given amount of time?

The number of cycles a particle riding the waves passes through in a given amount of time is determined by the frequency of the waves. The frequency is the number of complete cycles of the wave that pass a given point in one second. So, to calculate the number of cycles the particle goes through in a certain time period, you would multiply the frequency of the waves by the duration of time.

What is the number of waves that passes a point per second called?

The number of waves that pass a point per second is called the frequency, and it is measured in hertz (Hz).

What is a term is the amount of time that it takes for one wave to pass by a given point?

The term for the amount of time it takes for one wave to pass by a given point is called the period. It is typically measured in seconds and is used to calculate the frequency of the wave.