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The formula is frequency = Energy/h where h is Planck's Constant, 2/3 E-33.

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The frequency of an electromagnetic wave can be calculated using the formula: frequency = energy / Planck's constant. Planck's constant is equal to 6.626 x 10^-34 joule seconds.

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Q: What is the formula to find the frequency of electromagnetic waves with the energy?
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When describing electromagnetic radiation there is a(n) relationship between wavelength and frequency and the greater the frequency the energy the electromagnetic radiation has.?

Electromagnetic radiation consists of waves with different wavelengths and frequencies. The frequency and energy of electromagnetic radiation are directly proportional—higher frequency waves have higher energy. This relationship is described by the formula E=hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency.

Which EM waves has the highest frequency?

There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.

Electromagnetic waves with the highest energy have the?

Electromagnetic waves of higher energy have a higher frequency and a smaller wavelength.Electromagnetic waves of higher energy have a higher frequency and a smaller wavelength.Electromagnetic waves of higher energy have a higher frequency and a smaller wavelength.Electromagnetic waves of higher energy have a higher frequency and a smaller wavelength.

What has more energy a high frequency EM waves or a low frequency EM?

High frequency electromagnetic waves have more energy than low frequency waves. This is because the energy of an electromagnetic wave is directly proportional to its frequency: E=hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency.

What does the energy of a electromagnetic wave depend on?

The energy of an electromagnetic wave depends on its frequency. The energy is directly proportional to the frequency of the wave, meaning higher frequency waves have more energy.

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When describing electromagnetic radiation there is a(n) relationship between wavelength and frequency and the greater the frequency the energy the electromagnetic radiation has.?

Electromagnetic radiation consists of waves with different wavelengths and frequencies. The frequency and energy of electromagnetic radiation are directly proportional—higher frequency waves have higher energy. This relationship is described by the formula E=hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency.

Which EM waves has the highest frequency?

There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.

Electromagnetic waves with the highest energy have the?

Electromagnetic waves of higher energy have a higher frequency and a smaller wavelength.Electromagnetic waves of higher energy have a higher frequency and a smaller wavelength.Electromagnetic waves of higher energy have a higher frequency and a smaller wavelength.Electromagnetic waves of higher energy have a higher frequency and a smaller wavelength.

What has more energy a high frequency EM waves or a low frequency EM?

High frequency electromagnetic waves have more energy than low frequency waves. This is because the energy of an electromagnetic wave is directly proportional to its frequency: E=hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency.

What does the energy of a electromagnetic wave depend on?

The energy of an electromagnetic wave depends on its frequency. The energy is directly proportional to the frequency of the wave, meaning higher frequency waves have more energy.

What are the energies for waves in the electromagnetic spectrum?

Planck discovered the energy for electromagnetic waves to be Energy=hf. The energy is Planck's Constant times the frequency of the wave.

What is the relationship between the wavelengh frequency and energy transmitted in electromagnetic waves?

The energy of an electromagnetic wave is directly proportional to its frequency and inversely proportional to its wavelength. Higher frequency waves carry more energy than lower frequency waves. This relationship is described by the equation E = hν, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and ν is frequency.

What is the energy transferred as em waves?

Electromagnetic waves transfer energy through the oscillation of electric and magnetic fields. The energy carried by electromagnetic waves is proportional to their frequency, with higher frequencies carrying more energy. This energy transfer allows electromagnetic waves to propagate through space and interact with matter.

Which type of em spectrum has the highest wavelength?

Radio waves have the highest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.

What kind of electromagnetic energy consists of photons with the highest frequency?

Gamma rays have the highest frequency among all electromagnetic energy types. They have the shortest wavelengths and carry the most energy per photon.

How does the electromagnetic spectrum organize the different types of energy waves?

The electromagnetic spectrum organizes different types of electromagnetic waves according to their wavelength or frequency.

What happens to energy when the frequency of light waves increase?

When the frequency of light waves increases, the energy of the light also increases. This is because energy and frequency are directly proportional in electromagnetic waves, such as light. Therefore, higher frequency light waves carry more energy than lower frequency light waves.