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The force on a rope is typically determined by the tension applied to it. This tension arises from the pulling or stretching of the rope, causing the rope to support a load or resist a force. The force on a rope can be calculated using principles of Newton's laws of motion and equilibrium.

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Q: What is the force on a rope?
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What is the reaction force to you pulling on a rope?

The reaction force to you pulling on a rope is the tension force exerted by the rope in the opposite direction. This tension force is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force you apply to the rope.

How much force is the wall exerting on the rope?

The force exerted by the wall on the rope depends on the tension in the rope. This tension is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the force the rope exerts on the wall according to Newton's Third Law.

What is a pulling force in a rope called?

A pulling force in a rope is called tension. Tension is the force exerted by a rope when it is pulled taut by two opposing forces.

What force is acting at arrow a?

The force acting at arrow a is the tension force in the rope. It is responsible for pulling the object in the direction of the rope.

What force is experienced by a rope when it is pulled at either end?

When a rope is pulled at either end, it experiences tension force. This tension force is transmitted throughout the length of the rope and is equal in magnitude at both ends, pulling the rope taut.

What is a surface that redirects force using a rope?

A pulley is a surface that redirects force using a rope. By changing the direction of the force applied to the rope, pulleys can help in lifting heavy objects or changing the direction of a force.

Name the force that occurs in a rope when both ends are pulled in opposite directions?

Tension is the force that occurs in a rope when both ends are pulled in opposite directions. This force acts to stretch and elongate the rope.

A certain rope will break when a force of more than 800 N is exerted on it two men pull on the rope in oppositedirection with a force of 500 N eachWill the rope break?

The breaking strength of the rope has to be stated in terms of the "tension" in the rope, and that has to be the 800N quoted here. If the ends of the rope are pulled in oppposite directions with a force of 500N on each end, then the tension in the rope at any point is 1000N, and yes, it will break.

What is a surface that re directs force using a rope?

I am not sure what you mean by "a surface that re-directs force" but you could use a pulley to redirect a force from a rope.

A block of mass M is pulled with a rope on a frictionless surface If a force P is applied at the free end of the rope what will be the force exerted by the rope on the block if the mass of rope is m?

The force exerted by the rope on the block will be equal to the applied force P. This is due to the fact that the rope is assumed to be ideal and massless, transmitting the force applied at one end without any loss. Therefore, the force exerted by the rope on the block will be equal to the force applied by the person pulling the rope.

What is the name of the force on a rope when both ends are pulled in opposite directions?

The force on a rope when both ends are pulled in opposite directions is called tension. Tension is a pulling force exerted by a material when it is stretched.

What is the source of energy that creates a wave from a rope?

The source of energy that creates a wave in a rope is typically mechanical energy from a force applied to one end of the rope. This force causes the particles in the rope to move in a rhythmic pattern, passing the energy along the rope in the form of a wave.