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The equation to calculate the speed of an object is speed = distance / time. This equation gives the rate at which an object is moving over a given distance in a specific amount of time.

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Q: What is the equation used to calculate the speed of an object?
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The equation used to calculate average speed is distance traveled divided by the time taken to travel that distance. It is represented as: Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time.

What is the equation used to find the speed of an object?

Speed=Distance travelled by the object /Time taken to cover the distance.

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What is the equation used to calculate the distance something travels?

The equation used to calculate the distance something travels is given below . we know, speed = distance /time . distance = speed X time in meters /km /or any other unit of length.

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When an object is stationary and does not travel, calculating its average speed is not useful since there is no displacement or time taken to travel. Average speed is typically used to measure how fast an object moves over a period of time, which does not apply to a stationary object.

How do you calculate the distance and object has traveled?

You can calculate the distance an object has traveled by multiplying its speed by the time it has been traveling. So, Distance = Speed x Time. If the object's speed is constant, you can simply multiply the speed by the total time traveled to get the distance.

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How do you describe the motion of an object that is by an equation?

The motion of an object described by an equation will depend on the specific equation used. Common equations to describe motion include position, velocity, and acceleration functions. By analyzing these equations, you can determine how the object moves over time, its speed, and its direction of motion.

Albert Einstein's equation E equals MC squared is used for what?

The equation will tell you the speed of light and nothing can go faster than the speed of light. It also will give you the amount of energy in an object with mass.

What is the equation for distance traveled in science?

Distance traveled can be calculated using the formula: distance = speed × time. This equation is used to determine how far an object has moved over a certain period of time at a specific speed.

Which word equation is used to calculate the acceleration of a object?

The word equation used to calculate acceleration is: acceleration = change in velocity / time taken. This equation quantifies how an object's velocity changes over a period of time, giving a measure of its rate of acceleration.