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The potential energy of the apple core due to its position is converted into kinetic energy as it falls into the garbage. Eventually, some of the kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy due to friction with the garbage bag.

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Q: What is the energy transformation of dropping an apple core into the garbage?
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What is the energy transformation for dropping an apple core into the garbage?

When you drop an apple core into the garbage, the potential energy stored in the apple core is transformed into kinetic energy as it falls. Once in the garbage, the energy is eventually dissipated as heat and sound as the core settles.

What energy transformation happens when you eat an apple?

When you eat an apple, the potential energy stored in the food is converted into chemical energy through digestion. This chemical energy is then used by your body for various functions such as cell growth, repair, and movement.

How does an apples energy change if it falls from a tree?

When an apple falls from a tree, its potential energy decreases as it loses height and gains kinetic energy as it starts moving. The apple's total energy remains constant as it undergoes this transformation between potential and kinetic energy.

When an apple falls to the ground the apple's beginning kinetic energy and ending gravitational potential energy are both equal to what?

When an apple falls to the ground, the apple's beginning kinetic energy and ending gravitational potential energy are both equal to each other. This transfer of energy occurs due to the conservation of energy principle, where the potential energy of the apple at the top of the fall is converted into kinetic energy as it falls to the ground.

Eating an apple is the first link in an energy chain that changes the solar energy to what?

Eating an apple converts the solar energy stored in the apple's molecules into chemical energy. The process involves breaking down the apple's sugars and other nutrients through digestion, releasing energy that our bodies can use for various functions.

Related questions

What is the energy transformation for dropping an apple core into the garbage?

When you drop an apple core into the garbage, the potential energy stored in the apple core is transformed into kinetic energy as it falls. Once in the garbage, the energy is eventually dissipated as heat and sound as the core settles.

What energy transformation happens when you eat an apple?

When you eat an apple, the potential energy stored in the food is converted into chemical energy through digestion. This chemical energy is then used by your body for various functions such as cell growth, repair, and movement.

How does an apples energy change if it falls from a tree?

When an apple falls from a tree, its potential energy decreases as it loses height and gains kinetic energy as it starts moving. The apple's total energy remains constant as it undergoes this transformation between potential and kinetic energy.

What describes the energy transformation that takes place when a boy eats an apple and then lifts weights?

In this scenario, the boy's body converts the potential energy from the apple into kinetic energy to lift the weights. The chemical energy in the apple is transformed into mechanical energy as the boy's muscles contract to exert force on the weights. This process involves a series of energy transformations from potential (stored in the apple) to kinetic (muscle movement).

How do you break your Pug from getting in the garbage?

you can try bitter apple spray. My pug used to have an issue with getting into garbage cans but after a few weeks of spraying the bitter apple spray around the rim of the garbage can she stopped going near it.

Which transformation occurs when eating an apple?

Type your answer here... chemical to kinetic

How is Apple meeting the needs of their stakeholders?

They are not meeting the needs of their shareholder at all, the sharholders are dropping like flies

Is a crab apple tree coniferous or deciduous?

A crab apple tree (various species) is deciduous, dropping its leaves in Autumn.

What to do with an apple you can't finish?

You can either throw the apple In the garbage or organic bin... or you can make your own compost bin and put it there..

Can animals get rid of wastes?

but if you mean garbage e.g rotten apple the some animals can.

When an apple falls to the ground the apple's beginning kinetic energy and ending gravitational potential energy are both equal to what?

When an apple falls to the ground, the apple's beginning kinetic energy and ending gravitational potential energy are both equal to each other. This transfer of energy occurs due to the conservation of energy principle, where the potential energy of the apple at the top of the fall is converted into kinetic energy as it falls to the ground.

Eating an apple is the first link in an energy chain that changes the solar energy to what?

Eating an apple converts the solar energy stored in the apple's molecules into chemical energy. The process involves breaking down the apple's sugars and other nutrients through digestion, releasing energy that our bodies can use for various functions.