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The energy in a glucose molecule is stored in the bonds between its atoms, particularly in the chemical bonds of its carbon-hydrogen and carbon-carbon bonds. This energy can be released through cellular respiration to produce ATP, the primary energy carrier in cells.

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Q: What is the energy in a glucose molecules stored?
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Where is the energy stored in living systems?

in the chemical bonds of molecules

Which molecule do plants use to store extra glucose?

Glucose can be stored in plants in several ways. In some plants , the glucose molecules join to one another to form starch molecules. Some plants convert glucose to fructose and the energy is stored in this form. In other plants, fructose combines with glucose to form sucrose. The energy is stored in carbohydrates in this form. Plant cells obtain energy for their activities from these molecules.

What is energy transformation in photosynthesis?

Energy transformation in photosynthesis is the process in which light energy is converted into chemical energy stored in glucose molecules. This occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells, where chlorophyll absorbs light energy to drive the synthesis of glucose from carbon dioxide and water. The chemical energy stored in glucose can then be used by the plant for growth and metabolism.

How does a a phototroph gets its energy?

A phototroph obtains energy from sunlight through a process called photosynthesis. This process involves converting light energy into chemical energy stored in molecules such as glucose. The energy stored in these molecules is then used by the organism for metabolic activities.

In which of the following is energy available for work stored?

Energy available for work is stored in chemical bonds in molecules like glucose, ATP molecules, and in physical systems like a compressed spring or a charged battery.

Related questions

What parts of chloroplast store the chemical energy in glucose molecules?

The chemical energy in glucose molecules is stored in the bonds between the atoms within the glucose molecule itself. The process of photosynthesis in chloroplasts converts light energy into chemical energy, which is stored in the form of glucose molecules.

Where is energy in glucose molecules stored?

between bonds

Where is the energy from a glucose molecule stored?

The energy released from cellular respiration of glucose is temporarily stored in the ATP molecules. ATP stands for Adenosine Triphosphate and these molecules can be used to do work in the cell.

At the beginning of cellular respiration energy is stored in the bonds of what molecules?

At the beginning of cellular respiration, energy is stored in the bonds of glucose molecules. Glucose is broken down through a series of biochemical reactions to release stored energy in the form of ATP.

What performance is made when a plant and animal cell releases energy stored in the bonds of glucose molecules?

Cellular Respiration is when plant and animal cells release energy stored in the bonds of glucose molecules.

Where in the molecules is the energy stored?

It's on the PAK ! I know you're from Kerr. And it is stored in Glucose molecule.

What changes glucose into energy?

The process of cellular respiration breaks down glucose and releases energy that is stored in molecules of ATP.

Why is starch found in plants?

Glucose for energy is stored as starch in plants. The glucose molecules join up to form starch molecules.

Where is the energy in pyruvate molecules stored?

It's on the PAK ! I know you're from Kerr. And it is stored in Glucose molecule.

What is the total energy stored in the 36 ATP molecules?

The energy stored in 36 ATP molecules produced by aerobic respiration is equal to 39% of the energy available in six carbon glucose.

In anaerobic respiration what happens to most of the energy stored in the glucose?

The glucose is split into 2 molecules of a three carbon compound

When a molecule of glucose is broken down b y aerobic respiration the energy stored in the glucose gets transferred to?

During aerobic respiration, the energy stored in glucose is transferred to molecules of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which serve as the energy currency of the cell. This process involves a series of reactions that ultimately convert glucose into carbon dioxide, water, and ATP, releasing energy that can be used by the cell for various biological processes.