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the relation is given by charles law which says that the volume of a constant mass of gas at constant pressure is directly proportional to the temperature

so increase in temperature causes an increASE in the volume

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Increasing the temperature of a gas at constant pressure will cause the volume to expand. This is described by Charles's Law, which states that the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature when pressure and amount of gas are held constant. Conversely, decreasing the temperature will cause the gas volume to contract.

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Q: What is the effect of varying the temperature on the volume of a constant mass of a gas at a constant pressure?
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What effect does raising the temperature of a gas have on its pressure if the volume of the gas and the number of particles are kept constant?

Raising the temperature of a gas will increase its pressure, following the ideal gas law (PV = nRT). As temperature increases, the average kinetic energy of the gas particles also increases, leading to more frequent and forceful collisions with the walls of the container, resulting in higher pressure.

If the temperature of a fixed amount of gas is increased at a constant pressure what will happen to a volume?

Volume will increase. Think of it this way. If you heat a gas, it gets hotter. When a gas gets hotter, the atoms/molecules are "more active" and the pressure and/or the volume will go up. If your experiment with heating this gas sample must have a constant pressure, then volume will have to increase to give all those "more active" atoms/molecules more play room to prevent the pressure from going up.

How does pressure affect the density of a liquid?

Pressure has a negligible effect on the density of liquids, unlike gases. The density of liquids remains relatively constant even under varying pressures, as the particles are already close together in a liquid state.

What is the effect of the temperature on the gas flow rate?

An increase in temperature typically leads to an increase in gas flow rate due to the gas particles gaining more energy and moving faster. Conversely, a decrease in temperature tends to decrease the gas flow rate as the particles slow down. This relationship is described by the ideal gas law, where volume and pressure are held constant.

Does temperature have no effect on water's phase?

Temperature does have an effect on water's phase. When the temperature of water is below 0 degrees Celsius, it freezes into ice. When the temperature is between 0 and 100 degrees Celsius, it remains in liquid form. Above 100 degrees Celsius, it vaporizes into steam.

Related questions

How did pressure effects the sound when temperature is constant?

The atmospheric pressure has no effect on the speed of sound when the temperature is constant. The air pressure has no influence on the sound.

Whose law explains the effect of temperature on the volume of gas at constant pressure?

Charles Law

How does temperature effect a volume air?

Temperature is not directly tied to volume, its related to pressure. Increasing the temperature will increase the pressure--only if volume is held constant. That is were volume and temperature are related, through pressure. However, if you increase the volume it does not change the temperature.

What is a factor held constant?

In science, as in real life sometimes several 'factors' effect the outcome of an experiment. In order to make the problem easier to study one or more of these is 'held constant' or not allowed to change in order to see the effect of the other variables. EX. Gas volume can be effected by both pressure and temperature. In order to understand the effect of pressure, Boyle kept the temperature constant. He then changed the pressure to see what happened to the volume of a gas. This gave him what is now called Boyle's Law: The volume of a gas varies inversely as the pressure when the temperature is held constant.

What factor is held constant?

In science, as in real life sometimes several 'factors' effect the outcome of an experiment. In order to make the problem easier to study one or more of these is 'held constant' or not allowed to change in order to see the effect of the other variables. EX. Gas volume can be effected by both pressure and temperature. In order to understand the effect of pressure, Boyle kept the temperature constant. He then changed the pressure to see what happened to the volume of a gas. This gave him what is now called Boyle's Law: The volume of a gas varies inversely as the pressure when the temperature is held constant.

If you wanted to predict how temperature will effect the volume of a gas what factors must be held constant?

To accurately predict how temperature will affect the volume of a gas, factors such as pressure and number of gas molecules must be held constant. This is based on Boyle's Law, which states that at constant pressure, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its temperature. Keeping pressure and number of gas molecules constant ensures that only the effect of temperature on volume is being observed.

What is the effect on pressure when the temperature of a gas at constant volume is increased?

Increasing the temperature of a gas at constant volume will cause the gas particles to move faster and collide with the container walls more frequently, which increases the pressure of the gas. This relationship is described by the ideal gas law: P ∝ T, where P is pressure and T is temperature.

What would the effect on temperature and volume be if you changed the number of moles of gas in a container?

In a container the volume remain constant but the pressure increase.

How does temperature effect a volume of air?

As temperature increases, the volume of air also increases because the molecules in the air gain kinetic energy and move further apart. This relationship is described by the ideal gas law, which states that pressure and volume are directly proportional to temperature when the amount of gas and pressure are constant.

Why does Boyle law tell us about effect of pressure on the volume of a gas at constant temperature and fixed amount of gas?

because they are not drug like you

What effect does raising the temperature of a gas have on its pressure if the volume of the gas and the number of particles are kept constant?

Raising the temperature of a gas will increase its pressure, following the ideal gas law (PV = nRT). As temperature increases, the average kinetic energy of the gas particles also increases, leading to more frequent and forceful collisions with the walls of the container, resulting in higher pressure.

If the temperature of a fixed amount of gas is increased at a constant pressure what will happen to a volume?

Volume will increase. Think of it this way. If you heat a gas, it gets hotter. When a gas gets hotter, the atoms/molecules are "more active" and the pressure and/or the volume will go up. If your experiment with heating this gas sample must have a constant pressure, then volume will have to increase to give all those "more active" atoms/molecules more play room to prevent the pressure from going up.