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Changing the length of a pendulum or the mass of its bob has no effect on g; g is a constant, always equal to 9.8 meters per square second near the surface of Earth.

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1mo ago

Changing the length or mass of a pendulum does not affect the value of acceleration due to gravity (g). The period of a pendulum depends on the length of the pendulum and not on its mass. The formula for the period of a pendulum is T = 2π√(L/g), where T is the period, L is the length of the pendulum, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

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Q: What is the effect of changing length or mass of the pendulum on the value of g?
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Does changing the mass of the pendulum affect the number of swings?

The mass of the pendulum does not significantly affect the number of swings. The period (time taken for one complete swing) of a pendulum depends on the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity. The mass only influences the amplitude of the swing.

Would be value of g be affected if the size of the Bob is varied in simple pendulum experiment?

No, the value of acceleration due to gravity (g) would not be affected by changing the size of the bob in a simple pendulum experiment. The period of a simple pendulum is determined by the length of the pendulum and the gravitational acceleration at that location, not the size of the bob.

What effect does shortening the length of the pendulum have on the period of the pendulum?

Shortening the length of the pendulum typically decreases its period, meaning it swings back and forth faster. This relationship is described by the formula T = 2π√(L/g), where T is the period, L is the length of the pendulum, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Shortening the length lowers the value inside the square root, resulting in a shorter period.

Does the mass of the pendulum bob affect the value of g why?

The mass of the pendulum bob does not affect the value of acceleration due to gravity (g). The value of g is a constant dependent on the location on Earth and is not influenced by the mass of the object. The period of the pendulum, however, can be affected by the mass of the bob.

Why does a pendulum lose time in summer and gain in winter?

The length of a pendulum changes with temperature variations in the environment. In summer, as the temperature rises, the pendulum's length increases, causing it to lose time (swing slower). In winter, as the temperature drops, the pendulum's length decreases, causing it to gain time (swing faster).

Related questions

What is the effect of changig length or mass of pendulum on value of g?

Changing the length will increase its period. Changing the mass will have no effect.

What is effect of changing mass of pendulum on value of 'g'?

yes it can change....

Does changing the mass of the pendulum affect the number of swings?

The mass of the pendulum does not significantly affect the number of swings. The period (time taken for one complete swing) of a pendulum depends on the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity. The mass only influences the amplitude of the swing.

Would be value of g be affected if the size of the Bob is varied in simple pendulum experiment?

No, the value of acceleration due to gravity (g) would not be affected by changing the size of the bob in a simple pendulum experiment. The period of a simple pendulum is determined by the length of the pendulum and the gravitational acceleration at that location, not the size of the bob.

What effect does shortening the length of the pendulum have on the period of the pendulum?

Shortening the length of the pendulum typically decreases its period, meaning it swings back and forth faster. This relationship is described by the formula T = 2π√(L/g), where T is the period, L is the length of the pendulum, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Shortening the length lowers the value inside the square root, resulting in a shorter period.

Does the mass of the pendulum bob affect the value of g why?

The mass of the pendulum bob does not affect the value of acceleration due to gravity (g). The value of g is a constant dependent on the location on Earth and is not influenced by the mass of the object. The period of the pendulum, however, can be affected by the mass of the bob.

Why does a pendulum lose time in summer and gain in winter?

The length of a pendulum changes with temperature variations in the environment. In summer, as the temperature rises, the pendulum's length increases, causing it to lose time (swing slower). In winter, as the temperature drops, the pendulum's length decreases, causing it to gain time (swing faster).

Why does the length of the period increase as the length of the pendulum increases?

The period of a pendulum increases as the length of the pendulum increases because a longer pendulum has to cover a greater distance during each swing, resulting in a longer time to complete one swing. This relationship is described by the formula for the period of a pendulum, which is proportional to the square root of the length of the pendulum.

How would you determine the value of gravity using a pendulum?

The value of gravity can be determined using a pendulum by measuring the period of oscillation of the pendulum and using the formula: g = 4π²L / T² where g is the acceleration due to gravity, L is the length of the pendulum, and T is the period of oscillation. By measuring the period and length of the pendulum, you can calculate the value of gravity.

What is the length of simple pendulum which ticks seconds?

What you want is a pendulum with a frequency of 1/2 Hz. It swings left for 1 second,then right for 1 second, ticks once in each direction, and completes its cycle in exactly2 seconds.The length of such a pendulum technically depends on the acceleration due to gravityin the place where it's swinging. In fact, pendulum arrangements are used to measurethe local value of gravity.A good representative value for the length of the "seconds pendulum" is 0.994 meter.

How do you control frequency?

For a pendulum, or a child on a swing: Change the length of the pendulum or the swing-chains. For a guitar string: Change the tension (tune it), or the length (squeeze it into a fret). For an electronic oscillator: Change the piezo crystal, or change a capacitor or inductor for one of a different value.

How to determine the value of g?

The acceleration due to gravity (g) on Earth is typically considered to be approximately 9.81 m/s^2. This value is commonly used in physics calculations and can be measured using experiments involving free fall or pendulum motion. It is important to note that g may vary slightly depending on location due to factors such as altitude and latitude.