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The distance a ball covers on a carpet can be influenced by factors such as carpet thickness, texture, and friction. Thicker carpets can slow down the ball due to increased resistance, while smoother carpets with less friction may allow the ball to roll further. Overall, the carpet's characteristics play a significant role in determining how far the ball will travel.

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Q: What is the effect of a balls distance on a carpet?
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- Does the air pressure of different balls effect the distance?

Yes, the air pressure in a ball can affect the distance it travels. Overinflated or underinflated balls may not travel as far as properly inflated balls because the amount of air pressure can impact the ball's bounce and flight trajectory.

How does surface material effect how far a toy car will roll?

Surface material can impact how far a toy car will roll. Smooth surfaces like hardwood floors or concrete allow for less friction and the car can roll farther. Rough surfaces like carpet or grass create more friction, slowing down the car and reducing the distance it can travel.

How does the bounciness of golf ball effect the distance that it will travel?

The greater the bounciness of a golf ball, the more energy it retains upon impact with the club. This results in higher initial velocity and longer distance traveled. Golf balls with higher elasticity or compression will generally travel farther than those with lower bounciness.

Which factor has a greater overall effect of the gravitational force is it mass or distance?

The factor that has a greater overall effect on gravitational force is distance. Gravitational force decreases as the distance between two objects increases, while mass affects the magnitude of the force but not as significantly as distance.

How does carpet friction differ from tile friction?

Carpet friction is generally higher than tile friction due to the texture and softness of the carpet fibers, which provide more resistance to sliding. Tile friction is typically lower as it has a smoother surface that allows for easier movement. Carpet can also provide more grip and traction due to its cushioning effect, while tile can be slicker especially when wet.

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Yes, the air pressure in a ball can affect the distance it travels. Overinflated or underinflated balls may not travel as far as properly inflated balls because the amount of air pressure can impact the ball's bounce and flight trajectory.

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A bouncier balls is likely to travel to farther distances than a lesser bouncier ball. A number of experiments conducted to prove this have shown that bouncier balls go the distance.

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i think its because there's more friction

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The way a golf ball bounces definitely affects the distance that it will travel. There are different weights and types of golf balls for this reason.

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I think the question you need to ask is "what effect will chracoal and bleach have on my carpet"

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it does effect the distance because it is far

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How does surface material effect how far a toy car will roll?

Surface material can impact how far a toy car will roll. Smooth surfaces like hardwood floors or concrete allow for less friction and the car can roll farther. Rough surfaces like carpet or grass create more friction, slowing down the car and reducing the distance it can travel.

Why does your Kirby spit out balls of fiber from your new carpet?

New carpets always have loose fibres attaching to the material, which will be removed by vacuum cleaners / carpet sweepers / walking on them. This is normal. If, however, the "balls of fibre" are coming from a particular area, and are leaving a bald patch then contact the retailer and complain. Invite them to inspect the carpet. (PS. I have no idea what a 'kirby' is and assume that it is a machine for cleaning floors. Sorry of I am wrong).

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