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displacement is 0 because the initial position is same.

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The displacement of a satellite when it completes one round along its circular path is zero. This is because the displacement is the shortest distance between the starting and ending points, and in a circular path, the starting and ending points are the same.

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Q: What is the displacement of satellite when it completes a round along its circular path explain?
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What is circular motion Explain with example?

Circular motion is when an object moves in a circular path around a central point. This motion involves a constant change in direction, but the speed remains constant. An example of circular motion is a planet revolving around the Sun or a car going around a roundabout.

Can a centripetal force ever do work on an object. explain?

No, a centripetal force does not do work on an object because the force is perpendicular to the displacement of the object. Work is only done when a force applied on an object causes displacement in the direction of the force.

Explain how it is possible to do no work on an object even though you have applied a force to that object.?

It is possible to do no work on an object if the force applied is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the object. In such a case, the force may cause the object to change direction but not cause any displacement in the direction of the force. Work is only done when there is displacement in the direction of the force applied.

What is the difference between distance travelled by a body and its displacement and explain with a diagram?

Distance travelled by a body is the total length of the path covered, while displacement is the shortest distance between the initial and final positions of the body (measured in a straight line). In a diagram, imagine a curved path with turns and loops - the total length of this path is the distance travelled, while the straight line connecting the start and end points represents the displacement, which is the shortest distance between the two points.

When does a force do work explain?

A force does work when it causes a displacement in the direction of the force. Work is calculated as the product of the force and the distance moved in the direction of the force. Work is done when energy is transferred from one system to another.

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Technically a satellite is an object which orbits another object with a certain periodicity. For instance our moon is a natural satellite.It would be easiest to explain how with the aid of a diagram the easiest way to see how is to visit the hyperphysics website.sattelite is an electronic device which revolve around a planet in an circular motion.. It work when u sorry

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well i find it hard to explain but if you go on to and type in knitting with circular needles

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A satellite can be natural or artificial. An artificial satellite is placed in orbit around the earth, moon, or another planet in order to collect information or for communication. A natural satellite is a celestial body orbiting the earth or another planet.

Explain How is the moon earths satellite?

the moon orbits the earth and one definition of a satellite is "a natural body that revolves around a planet"

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It means that the force is in a direction opposite to the displacement of the spring.It means that the force is in a direction opposite to the displacement of the spring.It means that the force is in a direction opposite to the displacement of the spring.It means that the force is in a direction opposite to the displacement of the spring.

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Explain how the displacement of an object could be zero while the distance traveled was 150 miles?

Displacement is only the distance from the starting point. As long as you return to where you started, then you can travel 1.0 x 10^999999999999 miles and still have a displacement of zero.