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Inhaling argon can be dangerous and potentially fatal as it displaces oxygen in the lungs. It is not safe to intentionally breathe in argon to alter your voice. If you are interested in changing the pitch of your voice, consider working with a vocal coach who can provide safe and effective techniques.

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Q: What is the best way to properly breathe in argon to make your voice deeper?
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What does argon do?

Argon is sort of the opposite to "Helium" because when you take in Helium it makes your voice go high and squeeky but once you take in Argon it makes your voice Low and manly! Hope this helped

Why does an adult's voice has lower pitch than a child's pitch?

An adult's voice has a lower pitch than a child's voice because as we age, the vocal cords thicken and lengthen, causing the vibrations to slow down, resulting in a deeper sound. In contrast, children have smaller vocal cords that vibrate at a faster rate, creating a higher-pitched sound.

Does singers have high or low pitch voice?

Singers can have either a high-pitched voice or a low-pitched voice, as vocal ranges vary greatly among different individuals. Some singers may have a higher natural range, allowing them to sing notes at the top of the scale with ease, while others may have a lower range that suits deeper notes. It ultimately depends on the singer's vocal cords and how they have been trained.

Why is coo's voice so deep?

A cow's voice is deep because of the size of their larynx and vocal cords, which produce lower-pitched sounds. This is a result of their anatomy and physiology, allowing them to communicate effectively within their herd and over long distances.

What path does the air take when we breathe in?

When we breathe in, air enters through our nose or mouth, travels down the throat (pharynx), passes through the voice box (larynx), then enters the windpipe (trachea). The trachea branches into two bronchi, which further divides into smaller bronchioles that lead to the lungs where oxygen is exchanged with carbon dioxide in the alveoli.

Related questions

What age does your voice get deeper?

It depends. My voice got deeper when I was 12.

Why is Sophia bush's voice different deeper now?

Sophia Bush's voice was deeper due to her naturally raspy voice and her health. During the seasons where she had a deeper voice, she claimed that she was ill.

Can smoking make your voice sound deeper?

Yes it can. the reason why is because you can get lung cancer. your voice will sound deeper

Why does a teens voice crack?

Teen boys voices become deeper as they get older as their vocal cords lengthen and thicken so then their voice gradually gets deeper and other guys may find that their voice becomes deeper more quickly.

Is there any miner problems when you get a deeper voice during puberty?

Sometimes, the transition form childish voice to deeper voice is accompanied with a period where voice breaks. Here it feels like you have a tiny throat infection..but this is normal .

How come Justin's voice is not deep yet?

It is getting deeper... go look at the video from when hes in Germany on Wetten Das. His voice is getting deeper.

Did nat wolff's voice get deeper?

Yes. Alot deeper! and he got taller. ALOT taller!

If you start cracking your voice at 12 years old what age does it crack Also if your voice gets a bit deeper but it has not changed yet does it mean your voice will be changed soon?

My voice has got deeper but has ot yet cracked. his has been for like 6 months so im guessing it will take a while then one day you lose your voice and then it comes back deeper.

Is Justin Biebers voice getting deeper?


Why does a boys voice change?

The vocal cords start to stretch. The longer the cords the deeper the voice.

Do you get a deep voice at age 12?

their voice starts to break around 15-17

What hormone make a boy develop a deep voice when he reaches puberty?

Its not the hormones that make the voice deeper, its because of your testicles and penis growing hence pulling down your vocal chord. Making your voice deeper. Hope this helped! :)