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The bending of a wave when it moves from one material to another is called refraction. This phenomenon occurs because the speed of the wave changes as it enters a medium with a different optical density, causing the wave to change direction.

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Q: What is the bending of a wave when it moves from one material to the other?
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What is the bending of a wave as it enters a new material called?

The bending of a wave as it enters a new material is called refraction. This phenomenon occurs due to a change in the wave's speed as it moves from one medium to another, causing the wave to change direction.

The bending of a wave when it moves from one material into another?

It is Refraction

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The bending of a seismic wave as it crosses a boundary is called refraction. This occurs due to the wave changing speed as it moves from one material to another with different properties, causing it to change direction.

What is the bending of a wave caused by a change in its speed as it moves from medium to another?


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Diffraction is the bending of a wave as it moves around an obstacle or through an opening. It causes waves to spread out and exhibit interference patterns. It is a fundamental characteristic of wave behavior.

What is the bending of a light wave when it changes speed moving from one material to another called?

The bending of a light wave when it changes speed moving from one material to another is called refraction. This phenomenon occurs due to the change in the speed of light as it moves from a medium with one optical density to a medium with a different optical density.

What is the term for the material through which a wave moves?

The material through which a wave moves is called the medium. It can be solid, liquid, or gas, and the properties of the medium affect how the wave behaves and travels.

What is the bending of a waves direction called?

The bending of a wave's direction is called refraction. This phenomenon occurs when a wave changes speed as it moves from one medium to another, causing it to change direction.

The bending of a wave as it moves from one medium to another.?


In a the particles in the material move at right angles to the direction the wave moves?

The wave is a transverse wave.

Bending of a wave as it passes one medium to another?

The bending of a wave as it passes from one medium to another is known as refraction. This occurs because the speed of the wave changes as it moves from a medium with one density to a medium with a different density, causing the wave to change direction. The amount of bending depends on the difference in the speeds of the wave in the two mediums.

What is the bending of a wave at the boundry between two media called?

The bending of a wave at the boundary between two media is called refraction. This occurs when the wave changes speed as it moves from one medium to another, causing it to change direction.