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The acceleration of an object is given by the formula a = F/m, where 'a' is acceleration, 'F' is force, and 'm' is mass. Therefore, the acceleration of the object is N/kg.

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Q: What is the acceleration of an object that has a force of N and the mass of kg?
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The object's acceleration is 1.33m/s2 (A = force/mass).

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The mass has an acceleration of 2.1m/s2 (A = force/mass).

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The acceleration of an object can be calculated by dividing the force (in Newtons) acting on it by the object's mass (in kilograms), using the equation: acceleration = force / mass. So, if a force of 10 N acts on an object with a mass of 2 kg, the acceleration would be 10 N / 2 kg = 5 m/s^2.

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The acceleration of an object depends on the force acting on it. If a force is applied, the acceleration can be calculated using Newton's second law: acceleration = force / mass. More information about the force acting on the object is needed to determine its acceleration.

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Acceleration depends on the force acting on an object, not just its mass. If a force is applied to a 26 kg object, its acceleration can be calculated using the formula acceleration = force / mass. Without information about the force acting on the object, the acceleration cannot be determined.

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The acceleration of the object is 0.346 m/s^2. This is calculated by dividing the force (450 N) by the mass (1300 kg).

A 4 N force is applied to an object with a mass of 2 kg. What is the acceleration of the object?

The acceleration of the object is 2 m/s^2. This is calculated by dividing the force (4 N) by the mass (2 kg) of the object. Formula: a = F/m.

An object with a mass of 9.9 kg experiences a force of 16.83 N What is the acceleration of the object?

Acceleration is 1.7m/s^2

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The acceleration of the object can be calculated using Newton's second law, which states that force is equal to mass times acceleration (F = ma). In this case, acceleration (a) can be found by dividing the force (12 N) by the mass (2 kg). Therefore, the acceleration of the object would be 6 m/s^2.

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The acceleration produced by a force of 12 Newton exerted on an object of mass 3 kg can be calculated using the formula: acceleration = force / mass. Plugging in the values, we get acceleration = 12 N / 3 kg = 4 m/s^2. Therefore, the acceleration produced is 4 meters per second squared.

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The mass of the object can be calculated using Newton's second law: force = mass * acceleration. Rearranging the formula gives mass = force / acceleration. Plugging in the values, the mass of the object would be 100 kg.

An object with a mass of 10.2 kg experiences a force of 20.4 N What is the acceleration of the object?

The acceleration of the object can be found by dividing the force by the mass of the object. In this case, the acceleration would be 2 m/s^2 (20.4 N / 10.2 kg = 2 m/s^2).