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The acceleration of a ball after it has been thrown into the air is due to gravity acting on it. While the ball is in free fall, it experiences a constant acceleration of 9.81 m/s^2 downward (assuming no air resistance).

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Q: What is the acceleration of a ball after it has been thrown into the air?
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When ball is thrown upward what will be constant?

The only constant when a ball is thrown upward is the acceleration due to gravity acting in the opposite direction to the velocity of the ball. Other factors, such as air resistance and the initial velocity of the ball, may change as the ball moves.

Why throwing a ball always put down in curve not in straight?

When a ball is thrown, the force of gravity affects its trajectory, causing it to follow a curved path instead of a straight line. Additionally, air resistance and spin on the ball can also contribute to the curve as it travels through the air. This combination of factors leads to the typical arc path that we observe when a ball is thrown.

How does the force of gravity affects the movement of a ball thrown into the air?

The force of gravity acts on the ball as soon as it is released, causing it to accelerate downwards. This acceleration provides the ball with a curved trajectory as it moves through the air. The force of gravity also determines how quickly the ball will return to the ground after being thrown.

What force is not acting upon a ball that is thrown in the air?

The force of friction is not acting upon a ball that is thrown in the air. Friction is a force that opposes motion, but when a ball is thrown in the air, there is no surface contact for friction to act upon.

Can you give two examples of acceleration?

A car increasing its speed from 0 to 60 mph in 10 seconds is an example of acceleration. A ball thrown into the air, moving faster and faster as gravity pulls it downward, is also experiencing acceleration.

Related questions

When ball is thrown upward what will be constant?

The only constant when a ball is thrown upward is the acceleration due to gravity acting in the opposite direction to the velocity of the ball. Other factors, such as air resistance and the initial velocity of the ball, may change as the ball moves.

Why throwing a ball always put down in curve not in straight?

When a ball is thrown, the force of gravity affects its trajectory, causing it to follow a curved path instead of a straight line. Additionally, air resistance and spin on the ball can also contribute to the curve as it travels through the air. This combination of factors leads to the typical arc path that we observe when a ball is thrown.

How do you find the acceleration of a ball that is being thrown as a projectile as it is leaving your hand... Just the acceleration as it leaves the hand?

After, and at the exact moment, the ball leaves the hand it is only accelerated by gravity if you disregard air resistance.

How does the force of gravity affects the movement of a ball thrown into the air?

The force of gravity acts on the ball as soon as it is released, causing it to accelerate downwards. This acceleration provides the ball with a curved trajectory as it moves through the air. The force of gravity also determines how quickly the ball will return to the ground after being thrown.

What force is not acting upon a ball that is thrown in the air?

The force of friction is not acting upon a ball that is thrown in the air. Friction is a force that opposes motion, but when a ball is thrown in the air, there is no surface contact for friction to act upon.

Can you give two examples of acceleration?

A car increasing its speed from 0 to 60 mph in 10 seconds is an example of acceleration. A ball thrown into the air, moving faster and faster as gravity pulls it downward, is also experiencing acceleration.

How is the word thrown used in sentence?

The ball was thrown high into the air.

What is an air ball?

An air ball is, in the game of basketball, a thrown ball which misses the target and fails to touch the net or hoop, or, by extension, any ball which widely misses its target when thrown.

What effect does the force of gravity have on the ball thrown upwards?

The ball returns to the ground with increasing velocity due to acceleration due to gravity. At a point (terminal velocity) the ball maintains a constant velocity (due to air resistance) This occurs when the weight of the ball is equal to the viscous drag of the air (air resistance) and upthrust (weight of air displaced).

Does a softball have a positive or negative acceleration when it is thrown?

When a softball is thrown, it has a positive acceleration because its velocity is increasing with time as it moves through the air.

Is the acceleration the same on an object that is drop or when its thrown?

No, the acceleration is not the same for an object that is dropped and an object that is thrown. When an object is dropped, it experiences a constant acceleration due to gravity. When an object is thrown, its acceleration can vary depending on factors such as the initial velocity and direction.

Does earths exerts an unbalanced force in a ball thrown into the air?

Yes, Earth exerts a downward force on the ball due to gravity, causing it to fall back to the ground. This creates an unbalanced force on the ball when it is thrown upward, with gravity acting to pull it back down.