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The SI unit of sound is the decibel (dB), which measures sound intensity. In the CGS system, the unit of sound is the bel (B), where 1 bel is equivalent to 10 decibels.

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Q: What is the SI and CGS unit of sound?
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What is SI and CGS unit of volume?

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What is the ratio of CGS unit to SI unit of energy?

The ratio of CGS unit to SI unit of energy is 1 CGS unit to 10^7 SI units. This means that 1 erg in CGS units is equivalent to 10^-7 joules in SI units when measuring energy.

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SI and CGS unit of porosity is the constant between the molar fluxes. This is due to molecular diffusion and the gradient.

Si and cgs unit of stress?

The SI unit of stress is the pascal (Pa), where 1 Pa is equivalent to 1 N/m^2. The CGS unit of stress is the barye (Ba), where 1 Ba is equivalent to 1 dyne/cm^2.

Unit of work is?

(MKS)or(SI)- joule CGS- erg

What the reletion between si and cgs unit of force?

The CGS unit of force is the dyne, while the SI unit of force is the newton. 1 newton is equal to 10^5 dynes.

What is the si unit and cgs unit of density?

The SI unit of density is kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m^3), while the CGS unit of density is grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm^3).

What is the cgs unit for sound?

The cgs unit for sound is the erg per second per square centimeter (erg/s/cm^2). This unit is used to measure the intensity of sound.

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Can you 15 physical quantities and their cgs and si units?

Certainly! Length - CGS: centimeter (cm), SI: meter (m) Mass - CGS: gram (g), SI: kilogram (kg) Time - CGS: second (s), SI: second (s) Temperature - CGS: degree Celsius (°C), SI: Kelvin (K) Electric Current - CGS: electromagnetic unit (emu), SI: ampere (A) Luminous Intensity - CGS: spheotilumen (sp), SI: candela (cd) Amount of Substance - CGS: mole (mol), SI: mole (mol) Velocity - CGS: cm/s, SI: m/s Acceleration - CGS: cm/s^2, SI: m/s^2 Force - CGS: dyne (dyn), SI: newton (N) Energy - CGS: erg (erg), SI: joule (J) Power - CGS: erg/s, SI: watt (W) Pressure - CGS: barye (Ba), SI: pascal (Pa) Electric Charge - CGS: statcoulomb (esu), SI: coulomb (C) Electric Potential - CGS: statvolt (statV), SI: volt (V)

What is the unit of the magnetic flux?

The SI unit of attractive flux is the weber (Wb). The CGS unit is the maxwell.

Is si unit greater than cgs unit of current?

Both systems use the Ampere.