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The continental shelf is the extended perimeter of each continent and associated coastal plain, and was part of the continent during the glacial periods, but is undersea during interglacial periods such as the current epoch by relatively shallow seas (known as shelf seas) and gulfs. The continental rise is below the slope, but landward of the abyssal plains. Its gradient is intermediate between the slope and the shelf, on the order of 0.5-1°. Extending as far as 500 km from the slope, it consists of thick sediments deposited by turbidity currents from the shelf and slope. Sediment cascades down the slope and accumulates as a pile of sediment at the base of the slope, called the continental rise. Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the term continental shelf was given a legal definition as the stretch of the seabed adjacent to the shores of a particular country to which it belongs. See the Territorial waters page for more details.

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Magnetic compass failure in higher latitudes is primarily caused by the convergence of lines of magnetic force at the magnetic poles. This convergence results in the magnetic compass needle becoming unreliable and unstable, making it difficult to determine accurate directions. In addition, the Earth's magnetic field becomes weaker at higher latitudes, further contributing to compass inaccuracies.

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Q: What is the Cause of magnetic compass failure in higher latitude?
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What is the physical meaning of the slope of the magnetic force vs magnetic field graph?

The slope of the magnetic force vs. magnetic field graph represents the magnetic permeability of the material. A steeper slope indicates a higher magnetic permeability, meaning the material is more easily magnetized by an applied magnetic field. Conversely, a shallower slope indicates lower magnetic permeability.

Which of the two charged particles of the same mass but different velocity will be deflected the most in magnetic field and why?

The charged particle with the higher velocity will be deflected the most in a magnetic field. This is because the magnetic force experienced by a charged particle is directly proportional to its velocity. Therefore, a higher velocity particle will experience a greater magnetic force and be deflected more.

Why magnetic strength increases when distance decrease?

When distance decreases between two magnetic objects, the magnetic field lines get concentrated over a smaller area, resulting in a stronger magnetic field at that point. This increase in magnetic strength is due to the closer interaction between the magnetic fields of the objects, leading to a higher net magnetic force.

The amount of magnetic field in a given region?

The amount of magnetic field in a given region is measured in units of tesla (T). It represents the strength or intensity of the magnetic field in that particular area. The higher the value of tesla, the stronger the magnetic field.

What are three ways to change the strength of an electromagnet?

Increase the number of turns in the coil: More coils in the wire will strengthen the magnetic field. Increase the current flowing through the wire: Higher current will increase the strength of the magnetic field. Use a stronger magnetic core material: Using materials with higher magnetic permeability, such as iron, can enhance the strength of the electromagnet.

Related questions

How does latitude affect magnetic dip angle?

The magnetic dip angle is the angle at which the Earth's magnetic field lines incline towards or away from the surface of the Earth. Near the equator, the magnetic dip angle is closer to zero degrees, while at higher latitudes, the dip angle increases. This change in dip angle with latitude is due to the way the Earth's magnetic field interacts with the Earth's surface as it curves towards the poles.

What does latitude do to the climate?

the lower the latitude the higher the temp.

Would a city at lower latitude have a higher average temperature than a city at higher latitude?

Yes. Since latitude is measured in degrees north or south of the Equator (0° latitude), the lower latitude numbers are closer to the tropics, while the higher ones are comparatively closer to the poles. Although it is not always true, locations at "lower" latitude numbers will generally be warmer than locations at "higher" numbers.

Is Colorado high in cosmic radiation?

There are two factors which determine the relative level of cosmic radiation at different points on the earth's surface. First, because the earth's magnetic field deflects the charged particles in cosmic radiation toward the magnetic poles, cosmic radiation levels are generally higher the closer you are to a magnetic pole, i.e., the higher your geomagnetic latitude. Second, since the earth's atmosphere provides physical shielding from cosmic radiation, cosmic radiation levels are generally higher at higher altitudes where there is less atmosphere between you and the vacuum of space. As it turns out, the impact of differences in altitude is much greater than the impact of differences in geomagnetic latitude. Because Colorado has a high average elevation, cosmic radiation is generally higher there than at other locations with lower altitudes.

Is new zealand a higher latitude country?

Straddling the 45deg S latitude, New zealand could definitely be described as mid-latitude.

How are the altitude of polaris and latitude of an observer related?

The altitude of Polaris and the latitude of an observer are directly related. The altitude of Polaris in the sky is approximately equal to the observer's latitude in the Northern Hemisphere. The higher the latitude, the higher Polaris will appear in the sky.

How does a magnetic field help us find your way?

Roughly speaking, what is happening in the interior of the earth probably causes a circulating current, which according to Maxwell's equations, will generate a magnetic field. The magnetic field, by convention, emerges out of a region very near the true north pole and returns to a region very near the true south pole. The magnetic north spot moves with time quite randomly, but if you are away from the arctic circle, the difference between the true North and the magnetic North is not significant. So far, we have desrcibed the existence of the earth's magnetic field (Please see the related link for a apparent shape of the field). On the other hand, some materials (for example, iron and cobalt) that are ferromagnetic exist (Please see the related link). These materials have basically made of atomic-size magnets inside. When these materials are made into a simple machine (a simple light-weight balance with a pivot at the center) supported on a fulcrum so that the bar can rotate freely, the tiny magnets will try to align themselves with the earth's magnetic field. Another method is to let the rod float on water and it too will align with the earth's magnetic field. What has just described is a compass. If we know approximately where is the magnetic North and know where we are at the moment, we can move to where we want to go with the aid of a map and a compass. If the "compass" has no marking to indicate North, we can, during the day, use the sun and the time of the day to tell which direction is North on the compass, and during the night, the star map. Regardless, the combination of a GPS system and gyro is now available to guide you wherever you are (in an urban area surrounding by high rises or inside a vault with no GPS signals), with much higher precision than using a compass. ================

Are the Rockies higher than the Alps?

The Rockies have a lower elevation but higher latitude than the alps. So the alps are higher than the Rockies.

Above the equator the higher the number of latitude the farther you are?

Yes, that's correct. The latitude lines are measured in degrees, with the equator being at 0 degrees latitude. As you move north of the equator, the latitude values increase, indicating that you are moving farther away from the equator towards the North Pole.

Why do some places have higher latitude than others?

Because if every place had the same latitude then you wouldn't be able to pinpoint the location using latitude and longitude I'm in 6th grade and I know this

What is the shortest latitudes at what degree?

The equator is the longest latitude at 0 degrees, while the shortest latitude is the North and South Poles at 90 degrees latitude.

What was the Production Budget for The Golden Compass?

The film made, so far, around 185 million. This was a couple of days ago, so its probably a little higher now.