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the top speed achieved by a falling object

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4mo ago

Terminal velocity is the constant speed that a freely falling object reaches when the drag force (air resistance) equals the force of gravity pulling it downwards. At this point, the object no longer accelerates and falls at a constant speed. Terminal velocity varies depending on the object's size, mass, and shape, as well as the medium through which it is falling (such as air or water).

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Q: What is terminal velosity?
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How many feet does it take to reach terminal velosity?

Terminal velocity is the constant speed an object reaches in free fall when the force of gravity is balanced by air resistance. The distance it takes to reach terminal velocity depends on the object's weight, shape, and air density. Generally, it can take a few thousand feet for a skydiver to reach terminal velocity.

When gravitational forces and air resistance equalize on an object that is falling toward earth and the object stops accelerating its velocity is called?

In that case, the object is said to have achieved terminal speed.

What is the difference between terminal speed and terminal velocity?

Terminal speed refers to the constant speed of an object falling through a fluid when the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity. Terminal velocity, on the other hand, is the maximum speed reached by an object falling through a fluid when it stops accelerating due to air resistance. Terminal velocity is a specific type of terminal speed.

What is the process of changing velosity?

To change velocity, an object must undergo acceleration. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. This can be achieved by applying a force on the object in the direction of desired velocity change.

How do you induce polarity in galvanometer?

To induce polarity in a galvanometer, you can connect the positive terminal of a power source to one terminal and the negative terminal to the other terminal. This creates a potential difference across the terminals of the galvanometer, inducing polarity in the device.

Related questions

How fast is terminal velosity?

terminal velosity is 298mph and can onnly be broken in spase

Terminal velosity of free falling mass in empty space is?

If the space is in outer space there can be no gas against which a terminal velocity can occur

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African or European?

What is velosity?

Velocity is the speed and direction of an object in motion .

What is the sound velosity steel of 1018?

5890 m/sec

What is the velosity of a tippmann?

It can be changed from about 260 to 340. It should be kept at about 290.

How is Venus blood spatter different from arterial blood spatter?

velosity . colour,pressur.

How many feet does it take to reach terminal velosity?

Terminal velocity is the constant speed an object reaches in free fall when the force of gravity is balanced by air resistance. The distance it takes to reach terminal velocity depends on the object's weight, shape, and air density. Generally, it can take a few thousand feet for a skydiver to reach terminal velocity.

How can you increase the velosity of honey?

To increase you make the honey colder and to decrease you heat the honey up

Why would you measure wind using velocity?

because wind has speed, motion, it accelerate, which is measured in velosity.