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Potential energy is the stored energy that results from an object's position or shape. It is energy that is not actively doing work but has the potential to do so in the future.

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Q: What is stored energy that is a result of an objects position or shape called?
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What is the energy that is stored as a result of position or shape?

Potential energy is the energy stored as a result of position or shape. It is the energy that an object has due to its position relative to other objects or its internal configuration. Examples include gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy.

Is potential energy the energy that is stored in the interactions between objects?

Yes, potential energy is stored energy that an object possesses due to its position or state, such as gravitational potential energy or elastic potential energy. It is a result of the interactions between objects and can be converted into kinetic energy when the object moves or changes its position.

What term is defined as energy stored in an object as result of a change in its position?

That is called potential energy.

What is the transfer of energy as the result of motion of called?

Work the transfer of energy as the result of motion is called work. Motion is when one object's distance from another is changing.

What is meant by potential energy of a body?

The potential energy of a body is the energy it possesses due to its position or condition. It is energy that is stored within the body and can be released and converted into other forms of energy, such as kinetic energy, by moving or interacting with other objects.

What is stored energy that is a result of an objects motion called?

The stored energy that is a result of an object's motion is called kinetic energy. It is determined by the object's mass and velocity and represents the energy of motion that an object possesses.

What is heat energy moving between two touching objects called?

The transfer of heat energy between two touching objects is called conduction. This process occurs as a result of direct contact between the objects, leading to the transfer of thermal energy from the object with higher temperature to the one with lower temperature.

What is the stored energy an object has as a result of its height above the ground called?

The stored energy an object has as a result of its height above the ground is called potential energy. This energy is related to the object's position in a gravitational field and is dependent on its mass and height above a reference point.

The energy that an object has as a result of its position or shape?

potential energy

Is mechanical energy?

it is the energy acquired by the object upon which work is doneORenergy an object has because of its motion or positionORthe sum of kinetic and potential energy present at the same timeMechanical energy is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy present in the components of a mechanical system. It is the energy associated with the motion and position of an object.All energy can be expressed in Joules (including thermal energy). Mechanical energy is the result of a mechanical force, expressed in Newtons, multiplied by a distance in meters.MovementThe form of energy associated with the motion, position, or shape of an objects is called mechanical energy.

What is energy found in objects that are moving?

Kinetic energy is the energy found in objects that are moving. It is dependent on the mass and speed of the object, where higher mass and speed result in greater kinetic energy.

Which type of energy is stored as a result of a change in position or condition?

Potential Energy (change of position) and latent energy (change of state condition as freezing)