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off shore wind comes from sea to land and onshore comes from the sea to land

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4mo ago

Offshore wind refers to wind that blows from the sea towards the land, while onshore wind refers to wind that blows from the land towards the sea. Offshore wind is often stronger and more consistent than onshore wind, making it a valuable source of renewable energy for offshore wind farms.

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Why do waves come into shore?

Waves come into shore because they are generated by the wind. As the wind blows over the surface of the water, it transfers energy to the water molecules, creating ripples that eventually develop into waves. When these waves reach shallow water near the shore, they slow down and their height increases, causing them to break onto the beach.

How does wind move through water to the shore?

Wind pushes against the surface of the water, creating friction and transferring its energy to the water. This energy causes the water molecules to move and transmit the motion to neighboring molecules, generating a ripple effect known as surface waves. These surface waves then travel toward the shore, carrying the energy of the wind with them.

How many times do the waves hit the shore?

The number of times waves hit the shore can vary depending on factors such as wave frequency, amplitude, and shoreline structure. In general, waves continuously hit the shore in a rhythmic pattern due to the movement of water caused by wind and tides.

Why does a wave move toward the shore but the leaf floating on the surface of the water doesnt?

Waves are generated by the wind and transfer energy to the water, causing it to move towards the shore. The leaf, however, is subject to different forces such as surface tension, buoyancy, and wind resistance, which may counteract the motion of the waves, keeping it in place on the water's surface.

Do waves of the sea roll in on shore twenty-six to the minute in all kinds of weather?

The statement that "waves of the sea roll in on shore twenty-six to the minute in all kinds of weather" is not accurate. The frequency of waves hitting the shore can vary depending on factors such as wind conditions, tides, and the geography of the coastline. Waves are not constant and can change in frequency and intensity.

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What type of wind is a movement to air toward water?

An off shore brease.

Which way is the wind blowing when it is an off shore wind?

An offshore wind blows from the land towards the sea. It is typically associated with fair weather conditions and can have an impact on coastal ecosystems and weather patterns.

Where is the wind good for wind farms?

Wind farms are ideally located in large open areas of land or on and off shore coastal areas where the wind blows steadily for long periods of time.

Why does wind tend to blow at mountains at night?

To the shore , and away from the shore

Is a breeze always named for the direction that it came from?

No, a breeze is named based on the direction in which it is blowing, not the direction from which it came. So, a north wind blows from the north and a south wind blows from the south.

Who does the government think about wind farm?

Ever so slowly, the federal government is starting to support wind farms, for example, approving the off shore wind farm near Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

What energy do you get from the ocean?

Oil from underneath the ocean floor. Wave energy from waves. Wind turbines located off shore.

The wind felt strong as you sailed away from shore?

If you are maneuvering a sailing vessel, it would mean that you are off to a strong start.

Why does wind tend to blow down from mountain at night?

To the shore , and away from the shore

What is Off shore banking?

Meaning out of the States; off of our "shore".

What is the uncommon occurrence of ebb tide-like water movement in a fresh water lake that happens with strong off shore wind called?

a seche